Some more good news out of Texas today courtesy of PPP’s latest poll:
The poll also shows 15% undecided with the undecideds leaning towards Biden. The poll also shows a tight race between Joe Biden and Trump with Trump at 48% and Biden at 47% and 5% unsure.
Click here for the full results.
It’s very believable that this race has tightened. The Texas Observer makes Cornnyn’s idiot Tweets evident that he’s made this race competitive for himself:
About midday on March 14, Republican U.S. Senator John Cornyn sat down at a black laminate table, laced his fingers around the neck of a cold bottle of Corona Extra, poured half the beer into a lowball glass and thought: Now this will make for a good tweet. Or, at least, that’s what the photo suggests. Against the background of an unidentified deserted bar or restaurant, foam lingers atop the freshly poured beer, a fat lime wedge perched on the rim, unsqueezed. To aid interpretation, the 68-year-old Texan, arguably the country’s second-most powerful senator, captioned the image: “Be smart; don’t panic. We will get us through this #coronavirus.”
The joke didn’t land. At the time, the White House had just declared COVID-19 a national emergency and the country was rocketing past 2,000 confirmed cases of the disease. With the economy headed off a cliff, Congress had yet to pass expanded paid sick leave, unemployment insurance, or stimulus checks. And there was Cornyn, drinking a Corona. Predictably, the tweet drew thousands of critical responses, including from a celebrity chef, a fellow senator, and political rivals. Whole articles were written.
But whether you view the beer-tweet backlash as warranted or excessive hinges on your interpretation of the primary text: The tweet itself, which like so much of Cornyn’s social media output, is provocatively ambiguous. Was this a case of a harmless dad joke gone awry? Or was it a dangerous downplaying of the pandemic designed to justify the Senate’s lethargy? And either way, why—oh why—was the beer in that glass?
Let’s keep up the momentum to flip Texas Blue. Beto O’Rourke’s Powered By People has launched two more GOTV virtual Phone Banks on September 10th and 14th. Click below to sign up:
Click here to RSVP to the September 10th event.
Click here to RSVP to the September 14th event.
And click below to donate to Biden, Hegar and these Democratic candidates and organizations:
Joe Biden
Blue Texas PAC
Texas Democratic Party
Texas House Democratic Democratic Campaign Committee
Powered By People
MJ Hegar
Mike Siegel
Sima Ladjevardian
Wendy Davis
Sri Preston Kulkarni
Gina Ortiz Jones
Candace Valenzuela