On Sunday, senior Trump campaign staffer Francis Brennan uncorked one of the lowest blows that we’ve seen to date from the Trump campaign. He took to Twitter to wag his finger at Biden for merely waving to a reporter while coming out of church.
But there was one problem. Biden was actually visiting the gravesite of his son, the late Delaware state attorney general Beau Biden. As I write this on Tuesday night, Brennan has yet to address this, unless I missed something. Even more outrageous, Brennan has somehow found the time to uncork a number of attack ads and attack memes. Take this, for instance.
I repeat what I asked Brennan earlier.
Even more telling is the response from Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, Trump himself, or just about any other prominent Republican—again, unless I missed something.
Any campaign with an iota of decency would have rushed out with an apology to Biden and his family. That’s too much to expect from Trump, I realize. But is it too much to ask for his campaign to adhere to minimum standards of decency?
Those same standards of decency would also demand that Brennan lose his post. Indeed, by all rights the only thing we need to hear from him is a full and unreserved apology—while he’s announcing that he has either resigned or has been fired.
While this may not even medal in the list of most outrageous moments, it’s yet more proof that this president is not fit to clean the White House, let alone serve in it.