Borders are athletic, medium-sized herders standing 18 to 22 inches at the shoulder. The overall look is that of a muscular but nimble worker unspoiled by passing fads. Both the rough coat and the smooth coat come in a variety of colors and patterns.
The almond eyes are the focus of an intelligent expression—an intense gaze, the Border’s famous “herding eye”, is a breed hallmark. On the move, Borders are among the canine kingdom’s most agile, balanced, and durable citizens.
The intelligence, athleticism, and trainability of Borders have a perfect outlet in agility training. Having a job to perform, like agility—or herding or obedience work—is key to Border happiness. Amiable among friends, they may be reserved with strangers.
“Sam-I-Am” — Wellspring Farm’s “Hardest Working Dog”!
Under the heading of “Life Sucks”…
Well, it has been a rough few days for us here at the farm, and some of you may have probably noticed I haven’t been posting much, if anything at all the past two days.
We received the results of Sam’s CT Scan and biopsy, and the news was about as bad as one could expect: “Sam-I-Am”, our 10 year old BC has terminal cancer, and probably has about 6 months or less to live. If we elect to have risky surgery, then his days could be 6 months to a year at best. BC’s typically live 12 — 15 years, he is only 10, and this shocker of a phone call of his health prognosis from the canine oncology specialist hit us both hard, like a ton of bricks. We are both emotionally drained at this point.
The farm will never be the same without him and his smile… We have had many dogs share their lives with us here on the farm, but nothing beats the intensity and experience of sharing your life, and your love, along with working side by side with a trusted, brave partner like that of a Border Collie: Trust me on that one.
Now, time to take him for his AM walk, and give him his treat for being who he is: A wonderful “little man”.
I can’t find the strength to post anything else this day: My apologies to all, as I haven’t slept much this past week due to waiting each day for that phone call from the clinic….…
Oh, and if you share your life with a dog, go and pat him on the head, kiss them, and tell them how much you love them when you see them next time. In fact, do that everyday as you’ll be the better for it, and they will love you more, as well.
Be safe out there.