What this all comes down to, it seems clear, is Michelle Obama’s comments that the man is simply not up to the job. Because, even assuming he was correct and that there was a serious need to reduce the panic, there were two ways to do that: with leadership skills, and with Trimp’s incredibly limited mind and extremely limited team of advisors, and his massive ego that had him fighting with experts instead of using their guidance.
We know the Trump way,
Now, the other way?
1) Bring together the most spectacular group of epidemiologists and leaders in specific diseases such as H1N1, HIV, and Ebola in the history of the world.
2) Link them all together with a) world-class talent like Laurie Ratner and b) key university teams with spectacular testing and monitoring capabilities.
3) Make sure that first responders everywhere have the equipment they need—PPE, masks, ventilators, etc.
4) Assure that states could ALL rely on the Federal government to minimize ridiculous state-by-state competition.
5) Bring in the best possible logistics specialists to identify gaps in equipment and capabilities
6) Immediately implement the Defense Production Act to identify shortages and eliminate them ASAP.
7) Listen to the f%$king experts in terms of methods to reduce spread.
8) Identify potential hot spots such as nursing homes, prisons, and food factories, and insist that they follow science-based methods for protection of their populations.
9) Immediately begin protecting and treating first responders so that they don’t end up sick or emotionally damaged.
10) In the worst cases, use video equipement as a way for loved ones to say goodbye.
11) Unitlize people like Fauci and Birx (when she still had a brain) to give detailed instructions, should the need become necessary. And make sure that the entire nation kept one eye on the CDC, awaiting instructions.
12) Promise the entire population that, in case the virus breached our continent after he bragged to Woodward, that the entire team that he had just put together stood ready to make sure that we didn’t need to turn our population centers into Death Valleys.
13) Have Congress stand by to provide the specific resources the experts told him the country would need.
14) Prepare for massive testing and contact tracing in case it became necessary.
15) Be guided by science, not by your f$%king ego, or by voodoo-based religious mythologies. You may have noticed, Donald: dead doesn’t equal free.
16) Get Miller away from the borders.
How confident and unpannicked people would have been then! And how many fewer dead we would have, and how much further along the entire US economy would be. And how many fewer white nationalists would be standing around with AR15s, believing that weoponry is a form of leadership. And how many more children would be back on an educational path. And how much less borderline starvation there would be. And how much better shape wuld our transportation systems be in!
And, importantly, how much less devastation we would currently have among people of color specifically.
Hey Donald, what is your alternative? You are gonna need it at the debates.