UPDATE: UBQ was listed among TIME's THE BEST INVENTIONS OF 2023: 200 innovations changing how we live. [Amazon page]
...UBQ’s patented process converts landfill-destined household waste into a sustainable, bio-based thermoplastic material. This novel composite material can substitute for conventional plastic, wood and concrete in the manufacturing of thousands of everyday products…
...Diverting the waste from landfills prevents the emission of methane, groundwater leakage and other toxins. According to Quantis, a leading provider of environmental impact assessments, every ton of UBQ Material produced diverts 11.7 tons of CO2 equivalent, qualifying it as “the most climate positive thermoplastic material on the planet...”
...The Netherlands facility is expected to produce 70,000 tons of UBQ material per year for the manufacturing of everything from construction goods (like pipes, bricks, floors, roofing and panels) to supply chain logistics (like shipping pallets, bins, crates and display units) and even 3D printing...
Full article and a video at this link. From the UBQ website:
Sustainability and environmental impact have been at the heart of UBQ’s technological development. By converting waste into a commercially viable and bio-based material, we provide the missing link from a linear extraction and consumption system to a truly circular economy.
Washington Post‘s November 2019 article on UBQ here.
January 23, 2020 at waste360.com “Daimler announced a trial and development partnership with Israeli cleantech company UBQ Materials to explore the use of UBQ’s climate-positive material in the production of automobile parts. Daimler is also promoting the use of UBQ across its logistics manufacturers to offset carbon footprint throughout the Daimler supply chain.”
Maya Angelou
A lot of companies, universities, even countries have been working on this kind of approach for a long time. This might be one of the ones that does the job. Click on the tag “reprocessing” up in the left margin for diaries on some of those efforts.