My son just tested positive for Covid19. My son’s symptoms are currently minor. My wife got it a few months before and was hospitalized, but fortunately has since recovered. She seems to be doing very well now. We are fortunate in this way. However, we’ve been stuck with a several thousand dollar bill which we can’t pay.
I’m completely out of work. In fact my family is *still* waiting for our initial relief checks. Most weeks I didn’t receive the $600 federal unemployment bonus because I was still working a couple contracts per week — meaning I made too much ($200) per week that put me over the limit to receive any weekly state unemployment and thus no weekly federal unemployment. We are renters, and last month we maxed out our credit cards to pay rent. Just stupid. But I don’t know what my other options are. I’m just heartbroken and angry at the world around me.
I’m anonymous here, so I’m telling this forum. I need to tell someone. This will go to the unseen corners of DK. I just need to tell *someone* for my own mental health. Thanks for being a space i can do that. I feel fortunate that it seems my family’s health will be OK. But I’m paralyzed by this situation and don’t know what we can do about it. I’m furious. Just so angry I can’t contain it.
UPDATE: Thanks for caring
Thanks for responding, friends. I’m crying at the moment. Proof that I needed to let that out. Thank you. Some of you suggested I write a little info about my situation in case that might help, and/or that I create a GoFundMe, I respect people who have done this, but it just doesn’t feel right to me. I need to think about this. But if you are moved, you can message me and I can share my PayPal. But really, that wasn’t my intent of this post. But thanks for even suggesting this.
Others have suggested I give work details in case there is a magic need/match:
- I live in the North Virginia/DC area
- I’m an “Intercultural Coach” meaning that I am a trainer (in-person and virtual) specializing in preparing business people taking international assignments — “how to leverage cultural understanding to improve business success.” I’ve trained all levels of employees.
- I love(d) my work and have won awards for it — I am/was quite good at it and am passionate about its value, but you can see how a pandemic might destroy my field.
- Going back some years I have experience in other HR-related and training roles.
- Like a true-blue DK’er, 15+ years ago I held roles in non-profits focusing on community organizing and a community-run shelter for homeless families (ironic seeing the position I’m currently in).
Thank you for caring. It feels slightly less dark.
No one has to contribute of course. Please love each other
I made a GoFundMe:
PayPal is
...My heart….
I’m processing how DK has responded. I don’t have the words.... Thank you for the many heartfelt comments and suggestions — a lot of good info. I will go through them all but it will take some time.
I want to say a few things and I expect not to update again (but will get to all the comments).
I’ve been a mostly silent member of DK for 15 years. This board has been important for me. I take your generosity seriously and will not squander it. I want you to know that you’ve literally allowed my family to stay housed. More than that, you’ve given me a little more time to try and find a way out of this situation. In the most blunt terms — I will be able to go grocery shopping today (very frugally).
I have given to others in the past, and I have worked in non-profits because I know that giving makes my world better. I know it is a gift to give. But wow, what a gift it is to receive in times of need…. The truth is I’ve felt so bitter these past months because my situation might be different if I had not worked for years in non-profits. What if I had worked for myself instead of trying to help others? I haven’t said these words before, but they’ve been biting at my heart . Your generosity today has helped remind me of my fortune and the great value of my experiences beyond finances.
Such a gift. Such a gift. Like a sledgehammer of love.
Sometimes you get the help you ask for, and sometimes instead you get the help you didn’t ask for but which you need even more. You gave me both today. I haven’t felt this light, clear headed, confident, and focused in a long time. I knew my stress, but I hadn’t realized what it was doing to me until it was suddenly not there — because of you all.
I will remember this for a very long time, will carry these many lessons with me, and I look forward to paying this forward.
I love you all, friends.