*Say it out loud using an exasperated Cary Grant accent for the intended effect.
Well, dang! Good ol’ Rudy got caught consorting with a known Russian agent in search of documents to use in bad boy Billy Barr’s upcoming October not-a-surprise. Rudy’s been canoodling with a fellow named Derpcash or Derkach, so he can learn how to use the super-secret Ukrainian Document Forger and Backdater, model 2020.
It’s been a long downhill battle slide for Rudy, these last 19 years. The former “Mr. Noun Verb 9/11” has long since squandered any credit he earned in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, by shamelessly profiteering off of that credit, while dodging culpability for surrendering to his congenital venality, overriding the advice of his experts, and placing the NYC emergency control center into one of the most likely attack targets in the city.
Working against Rudy is the fact that he’s a vicious little shit with a drinking problem, bad teeth and a wandering penis. If he had better teeth and wasn’t such a lush he’d make a perfect mini-Don. tRump is using Rudy’s incoherent drunken ramblings to make his own drivel sound slightly less whacked. Since there’s only room for one vicious perv at the center of our nation, Rudy’s on the outside looking in and panting with desire (and alcohol sweats).
Rudy has scaled the mountain of tattered reputations to stand exposed as the most feckless purveyor of Russian propaganda in the full field of feck challenged tRump apologists.
Did you notice how they kept Rudy away from defending tRump during the impeachment hearings? They were afraid of what he’d inadvertently admit to. Rudy would have argued tRump into a vote for conviction, loss of citizenship and a seat on death row. He would have spent his time in front of the Senate dry-humping Pam Bondi’s leg while screaming about papers proving Biden’s guilt that he was handing over to Ken Starr to help make the case against Bill Clinton to put an end to the Civil War.
So today, in remembrance of all the people Rudy has besmirched and falsely accused, and in acknowledgement of his status as, Rudy Colludy, the Rootin’ Tootinest , CT wrangliest, blind drunkest, absolute worst attorney to a pretend president we’ve ever seen (and we’ve seen Jay “The Greasy Smile King” Sekulow, Michael “The Fixer” Cohen, Allan “I Kept My Underwear On” Dershowitz, and Pam “Gimme an Illegal Donation” Bondi), we would like to take this opportunity to say to Rudolph William Louis Giuliani: “Yer bum’s oot the windae, ye fuckin’ bampot, ye lavvy-heided wankstain, ye jobby-flavoured fart lozenge. Awa’ you and chew yer wispy-haired, bawbag-eyed, huffy wee fuckbumper of a gaffer’s fart-box.”*
*Translation from the Scots: “I am sorely disappointed in your performance. Please go away and take Mr. tRump with you.”
Remember folks, that’s Rudy from the Latin “Rudix” meaning “rude ass” and Giuliani from the Italian meaning “worthless bigot and liar.”
Up the Resistance!
Music for Resisting
I can’t remember if I used this before. Apologies if it’s a repeat.
Ad(s) of the Day
This one from Republican Voters Against tRump is 11:28 long.
Evening Shade appears every evening at 7:30PM Eastern (unless I get lazy).
Cut and Paste Department. This is the regularly scheduled plea for readers. I’ve still only had to make two memes. You have it within your power to make me work. If you spread the word about Evening Shade and your spreadee announces themselves in the comments, you will become eligible to receive your very, very special noprize of a meme of your very own. All you have to do is jump up and get out there and start carnival barking, cajoling, proselytizing (or pimping, if you are of an irreligious bent). You could even pester and push. Procrastination is not an option — it’s a way of life.
chloris creator graced us with another excellent GNR today: Good News Roundup for Friday, September 11, 2020
We are starting our political love affair with Joe Biden. Goodie is helping us along the path: Biden will never lie to us about public health risks: Day 60 out of 100 Days of Loving Joe Biden
Yosef 52 helps us to remember what a nasty piece of rotting offal tRump really is: Trump and 9/11: A Shocking, Disgusting Record
And Yosef 52 also gives us a resource to help us get out the vote and get rid of said nasty piece of rotting offal. Let’s make sure to keep sharing these all over the damn place: Get Out the Vote AGAINST TRUMP! Here's How!