In it’s purest, rawest, most untouched essence! Ever! Surely this must have been delivered in a fiery blinding flash from on high on Mt. Olympus, or some other far away heavenly realm! Because the number of levels of sheer disconnect from everyday Earthly reality inherent in this one single tweet are truly and simply incomprehensible to the mere mortal mind!
Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Eighth Wonder Of The World! The Rosetta Stone (and ultimate tangible proof of it’s legendary existence) of the One, the Only, the Original…
White Privilege!!!
There is no form of protest against racism that is acceptable to racists.
This doesn’t make racism go away. Racism is a heart thing and taught at home. Change hearts. Maybe through churches.
For those unaware, Bernice is the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr.
May the debate over it’s existence thus be ended, forever more!