40,000 cases a day and 1,000 deaths a day but this is altered? I just saw this on CNN. Is this not criminal?
(CNN)Trump-appointed communications officials at the US Department of Health and Human Services pushed to change language to weekly science reports released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention so as not to undermine President Donald Trump's political message, according to a federal health official.
Amid tension between the administration and the CDC, former Trump campaign official turned chief HHS spokesman Michael Caputo and his team had demanded to see reports out of the CDC before they are released, a senior administration official said. Officials within HHS had defended the demand, saying that CDC fell under the agency's umbrella and that all communications and public documents needed to be cleared at the top.
Enough is enough. Does no one in the country have the power to frog march killers out of the WH? He IS above the law. Trump lies and People die.
Where is the Human Rights International community?
California on Fire….Hurricane Season...Covid...and a Serial Killer in charge.
I can’t rant right now and I don’t dare get sick since it is hard to even trust a local doc. We are screwed. I cannot say what I think but OMG I would be so banned and possibly visted by important people. This is outrageous that we have a Murderer in charge of our lives. So many will be dead or dying by November, and I think an election may not remedy this mess for a long long time.