Now if only Donald Trump … “wanted what was best for America” — we all could go back to our ‘regularly scheduled’ lives ...
Donald Trump has welcomed the support of QAnon conspiracy theorists, describing them as patriots who want the best for the US.
Who is Q?
On 28 October 2017, someone calling themselves Q began posting a series of cryptic messages in the 4chan internet forum titled “Calm Before the Storm” — “assumedly in reference to that creepy Trump quote from early October”, says New York Magazine.
Q claimed to be a high-level government insider with Q clearance (a United States Department of Energy security clearance with access to classified information) who had been instructed to post intelligence leaks straight to 4chan “in order to covertly inform the public about POTUS’s master plan to stage a countercoup against members of the deep state”, adds the magazine.
Since Q could be anyone with internet access and a working knowledge of conspiracy theories, “there’s no reason to think that Q is a member of the Trump administration rather than, say, a troll or YouTube huckster”, says the Daily Beast’s Will Sommer who has followed the community from the very beginning. “But incredibly, lots of people believe it”, he adds.
What is QAnon - and why does it matter?
www.theweek.co.uk — Aug 20, 2020
Since Q could be anybody with an “internet access and a working knowledge of conspiracy theories” — it would seem one of the more likely culprits could be someone from Vladimir Putin’s GRU ‘assault team’. That would help to explain Trump’s ominous comment in that clip, about “Calm Before the Storm” — given all of Trump’s private meetings and phone calls with the Big-man himself.
Who is Q?
Q is, well, anon. Nobody knows who they are, or why they are posting what they do.
They are, among other things, a user on 4chan. They use that forum to post a whole load of cryptic messages, which make reference to the vast conspiracy theory that has become known as QAnon.
Sometimes, the posts are like puzzles, offerings hints and encouraging the people reading them to get involved. Others are more explicit, making allegations about specific people and in detail.
And they do appear to be a “they”. Q refers to themselves as “we”, apparently at least trying to suggest that it is a group rather than just one person.
www.independent.co.uk — Aug 24, 2020
Funny, that description sounds remarkably similar to how “Fancy Bear” — the tip of the GRU attack spear — operated back in 2016. How they are operating NOW in 2020 — in what has been described as a ‘more sophisticated, less detectable manner’:
Exclusive: Microsoft believes Russian hackers 'Fancy Bear' targeted Biden campaign firm
by Reuters Staff — Sept 10, 2020
Microsoft MSFT.O identified a suspected hacking group that targeted a firm working with Democrat Joe Biden as the same Russian-backed unit blamed by the U.S. government for breaking into the campaign of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to two sources briefed on Microsoft's analysis.
The Russian hacking group, which many cyber researchers refer to as “Fancy Bear,” is controlled by Russia’s military intelligence agency, according to reports from the U.S. intelligence community released after the 2016 election.
Microsoft believes Fancy Bear is behind the attacks based on an analysis of the group’s hacking techniques and network infrastructure, one of the sources said.
Putin’s goal is not to empower Donald Trump. Trump is just a ‘useful idiot’ to him.
Putin’s goal is to destroy American democracy itself. To demote and defame America from the world stage. … to crumble our society from within.
Putin Is Well on His Way to Stealing the Next Election
RIP democracy
www.theatlantic.com — June 2020
Russia’s interference in the last presidential election is among the most closely studied phenomena in recent American history, having been examined by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors, by investigators working for congressional committees, by teams within Facebook and Twitter, by seemingly every think tank with access to a printing press. It’s possible, however, to mistake a plot point—the manipulation of the 2016 election—for the full sweep of the narrative.
Events in the United States have unfolded more favorably than any operative in Moscow could have ever dreamed: Not only did Russia’s preferred candidate win, but he has spent his first term fulfilling the potential it saw in him, discrediting American institutions, rending the seams of American culture, and isolating a nation that had styled itself as indispensable to the free world. But instead of complacently enjoying its triumph, Russia almost immediately set about replicating it. Boosting the Trump campaign was a tactic; #DemocracyRIP remains the larger objective.
In the week that followed Donald Trump’s election, Russia used its fake accounts on social media to organize a rally in New York City supporting the president-elect—and another rally in New York decrying him. Hackers continued attempting to break into state voting systems; trolls continued to launch social-media campaigns intended to spark racial conflict. Through subsidiaries, the Russian government continued to funnel cash to viral-video channels with names like In the Now and ICYMI, which build audiences with ephemera (“Man Licks Store Shelves in Online Post”), then hit unsuspecting readers with arguments about Syria and the CIA. [...]
Funny, how that seems to be QAnon’s goal too — “discrediting American institutions, rending the seams of American culture, and isolating a nation …”
I’m just saying …
If Russia’s cyber-operators know how to hack into Campaign servers and steal and disseminate all their strategic data — then they surely know how to navigate “the dark web” chat rooms, to garner an audience, and promote and spread “divisive” conspiracy theories too.
That would be child’s play — in terms of “social engineering” techniques: Monitor the News, detect the social divides behind the events — and then deepen those divides with hateful and fanciful accusations …
Targeting those who are captured by the Q-web of intrigue. Here’s are a few examples of that “social engineering” exploitation, ripped from — and woven into — America’s current events:
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Robert Mueller warned us of this endemic nefarious threat:
[...] Russian intelligence officers who were part of the Russian military launched a concerted attack on our political system.
The indictment alleges that they used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. They stole private information, and then released that information through fake online identities and through the organization WikiLeaks. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.
And at the same time, as the grand jury alleged in a separate indictment, a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to interfere in the election.
I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments—that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election.
That allegation deserves the attention of every American.
Thank you.
A bipartisan Senate Intelligence report has warned us this Russian threat too — with 1000 pages of evidence:
The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak information damaging to Hillary Clinton and her campaign for president. Moscow's intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the U.S. democratic process.
While the GRU and WikiLeaks were releasing hacked documents, the Trump Campaign sought to maximize the impact of those leaks to aid Trump's electoral prospects. Staff on the Trump Campaign sought advance notice about WikiLeaks releases, created messaging strategies to promote and share the materials in anticipation of and following their release, and encouraged further leaks. The Trump Campaign publicly undermined the attribution of the hack-and-leak campaign to Russia and was indifferent to whether it and WikiLeaks were furthering a Russian election interference effort.
Now Intelligence whistle-blowers (along with Microsoft) are warning of this ongoing foreign threat:
A Department of Homeland Security official said in a whistleblower complaint released Wednesday that he was pressured by more senior officials to suppress facts in intelligence reports that President Donald Trump might find objectionable, including information about Russian interference in the election and the rising threat posed by white supremacists.
Even Trump warned us of “Calm Before the Storm” back in Oct 2017 …
Of course, Trump is just doing whatever Putin asks of him, as always.
There is a LOT on the line, if Trump ever goes against his “benefactor”, mentor, and pal ...
“The Russians bought the house from Trump for $95 million in 2008, an inflated price paid on the eve of the real estate collapse and global financial crisis, at the time the largest price ever paid for a private residence in the United States,” [Michael] Cohen wrote in Chapter 12 of his book.
“Trump told me that the price hadn’t really been an issue. He explained that the Russians weren’t really spending their own money when they made their excessive purchases of European soccer teams and super yachts and Central Park South penthouses,” Cohen wrote. “The oligarchs could enjoy the assets, but always and forever at the pleasure of Vladimir Putin, the new tsar, and displeasing him meant risking their fortunes but also their lives.”
www.palmbeachpost.com Sept 11, 2020
All told $50 million is a small price for Putin to pay, in order to achieve his over-arching long-term goal:
The same for, impersonating some “anonymous deep state Patriot”, who is in the US Intelligence know …
Afterall if the Q-shoe fits — Vladimir would only deny it.
And his stooge Donald would only back him up.
And no one would be the wiser … least of all the average America voter, who is just trusting their Democracy to work.
To get them out of this mess, that Donald Trump and “his patriots” enablers have created.
With no thought or care, for the actual long-term consequences on people’s lives, and on our Democracy -- that is under attack, from unseen and unaddressed forces — both foreign and domestic.
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No wonder Trump will never willingly release his Tax Returns. The Jig would really be up then.
PS. Anonymity — is HOW — these dark forces GET STUFF DONE.
“Look over there people … Nothing to see over here.”
— signed Q (and his many unwitting helpers).
Sound familiar? … Remind you of Anyone?
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It’s just a little chaos people … pretty soon, you’ll get used to it.
It’s all part of ‘the Plan’ … all part of MAGA round II.
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courtesy of NBC News.
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