Anthony Scaramucci continues his anti-Trump crusade with Trumpsters in his crosshairs. There're many groups of Republicans working to take back their party.
Trumpsters in his crosshairs?
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Anthony Scaramucci continues to do the rounds on the cable networks as part of the Republican posse intent on taking back their party by all means necessary. So far, the Lincoln Project is the most visible, but others like Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform (REPAIR) are doing the rounds extensively as well.
Scaramucci used his appearance to point to the number of Republican groups, "distinguished" Republicans, military officials, and renowned journalists are speaking out against a second Donald Trump term. Hell, if Scaramucci could lose his sycophancy, others can as well, right?
It is clear Scaramucci is now obsessed with the sticky 40% that still seem to be Trumpsters.
"I really don't understand why he's got 40% support," Scaramucci said. "They call him Teflon Don. But I think it is sorta like Crazy Glue, emphasis on the word crazy that there is a group of people still attached to him with this level of support."
I think there is one thing those of us on the noble side need to understand, messaging. I speak to a ton of these people. As I blogged last night, I talked to one over IM with some long messages, who really could see that there was a problem. I could see he was looking for a place to land. He inevitably said he was going to leave politics alone. I urged him not to but to stay engaged with an opened mine.
I do not think we understand the damage the think tanks on the Right have inflicted on too many. The alternate state of reality that they've painted to them seems plausible. What we have to do is not, like a virus, give them the spikes that they can use as justification to run but instead provide them with a bridge. It isn't easy, but it is all we have left if we are to survive as a country.
Please get my new book "It's Worth It: How to Talk To Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors" today knowing you (1) Get communication techniques & (2) Support Progressive message delivery.
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