Good Morning, Cafe!! Happy Sunday...or Happy Sundae, whichever pleases you more. For the first….
And some nice noshing is in order.
It’s been a strange week, amirite? So this morning is a good time to just have some coffee and a nosh and some fun.
All are welcome to join the fun, the silliness, the conversations. If you don’t know...just ask! Some things really do require a bit of explanation.
There will be a few surprises along the way, all good ones, we hope.
We are here to keep building the Daily Kos Community.
We post Mon-Sun at 10:30 a.m. Eastern.
Pie fights will be met with outrageous ridicule and insults. Trolls will be incinerated and served at the next group BBQ. As briquettes.
Dunno whut this is, but it ain’t coffee!!
Need more fibre in your diet???
Just bemused by the whirled around us...
Hope everyone is feeling relaxed this morning. Our fire area friends are in our prayers; let us know how you’re doing!
Still looking for someone to take on the Sunday morning diary. Three of us are doing two days each, and I’m doing three plus my duties for Da Pootie Peeps. C’ know you wanna! Let me know, please, or I’m gonna start doing these in Comic Sans and spelling everything in Latvian!! Kthnx.