The wildly suppurating cancerous polyp, otherwise known as Donald the Pretender Prevaricator, does not care about anything except the care and feeding of himself. His performance has him wearing badly on the last nerve of more than half the country.
Last night he had an indoor rally in Nevada for his rabid and unquestioning followers. Back in April he said this:
In our interview April 13, Trump continued: “It’s so easily transmissible, you wouldn’t even believe it. I was in the White House a couple of days ago. Meeting of 10 people in the Oval Office. And a guy sneezed, innocently. Not a horrible—just a sneeze. The entire room bailed out, okay? Including me, by the way.”
“You’re risking getting it, of course,” I said. “The way you move around and have those briefings and deal with people. Are you worried about that?”
“No, I’m not. I don’t know why I’m not. I’m not,” he said.
“I don’t know. I’m just not.” [Excerpted from Rage, Bob Woodward]
We are talking about semi-sentient vomit masquerading as a President of the United States. That’s the only explanation for this kind of disregard for the lives of his fellow citizens. That’s message one going forward: tRump doesn’t care if you live or die — not one tiny bit. It should be on billboards on every corner (maybe attached to the sides of the taco trucks?).
Donald tRump is a synonym for unconscionable. He’s a postcard for bigotry; a telegram for racism; a Burma Shave ad for violence; and a giant Times Square billboard for malfeasance in office. He is far less than the least of us. He is all take and no give. He is a man of no socially redeeming values (i.e. he is obscene). The world will be a better place when he is gone.
A vote for tRump is a vote for corruption; a vote for oppression; a vote for disease; and a vote for preventable death.
Up the Resistance!
Music for Resisting
Ad(s) of the Day
Cheerfully kifed from the comment section in oldhippiedude’s Tweets of the Week (h/t BOHICA)
Evening Shade appears every evening at 7:30PM Eastern (unless I get lazy).
Cut and Paste Department. This is the regularly scheduled plea for readers. I’ve still only had to make two memes. You have it within your power to make me work. If you spread the word about Evening Shade and your spreadee announces themselves in the comments, you will become eligible to receive your very, very special noprize of a meme of your very own. All you have to do is jump up and get out there and start carnival barking, cajoling, proselytizing (or pimping, if you are of an irreligious bent). You could even pester and push. Procrastination is not an option — it’s a way of life.
Jessiestaf got our GNR week started: Monday Good News Roundup
This morning Goodie told us that, unlike the Orange Imposter: Joe Biden has a great sense of humor: Day 62 out of 100 days of loving Joe Biden
Yosef 52 has another retrospective peek under tRump’s soiled covers for us: Trump and Saudi Arabia: A Sinister Relationship
And being committed to the cause, Yosef also gives us our most sharable GOTV resource. Share away! Share away, my pretties!: VITAL Election and Voting Info HERE! Early Voting is Starting Soon. GOTV, GOTV, GOTV!!