So, Tropical Storm Teddy has formed (forecast to get rather impressive, albeit probably a fish-spinner), and wave behind it has become TD 21. 21 has a short window, but might use up the name “Vicky” later today.
Of course Sally is still a danger to the Gulf Coast. It’s been a slow mover, has made a mess of my yard (my son helped that out by getting my wife’s truck stuck in the back!), but I’ve been luckily just at the edge of any real serious weather. Few bands, a lot of rain. We were already pretty wet.
There’s still 36-48 hours before likely landfall. If you live in this area you unfortunately are all too familiar with this routine.
NHC TS Sally Warnings
The far western system (left yellow X) has been probably keeping Sally a bit disorganized. Frankly I’m surprised it’s persisted enough to be tracked still — it can’t have much more gas left. We’ll see about this new wave coming off Africa in a few days I suppose. Too much going on now to invest much time into looking at it.
I am looking at this potential swirl coming down in the Atlantic — though the NHC hasn’t talked about it. It just looks “sub-tropical”. The NullSchool model has been showing this feature int it’s forecast for a few days now…
This one gets an embiggen from
Today the model shows a little more frontal activity than the model showed a couple days maybe they can use that as an excuse to not call this Wilfred and say “oops, we missed one!” when they get to the year end review.
Stay Safe!