Jack Burkman’s house supposedly got raided by the FBI this morning and seized computers and cellphones among other evidence.
The Millennial Allen Funt and Ratman’s sidekick Bobbin are known for stunts, so there was the likelihood that Burkman called the raid on himself for publicity. He got WaPo to bite, Then the Daily Beast dug a little deeper.
Tommy Abraham told The Daily Beast in an interview on Monday that the Craigslist ad offered $400 cash payments to white male actors who agreed to don FBI badges and windbreakers and film a series of scenes at Burkman’s home in Arlington, Virginia. In the pre-dawn hours of Monday morning, Abraham said that he and a handful of others who responded to the ad converged on Burkman’s home and were filmed acting out an FBI raid there. Abraham supplied documentary evidence to back up his assertions, including emails from an address bearing the name of a company Wohl once ran.
By Monday afternoon, news of the fake raid had already been reported as genuine by The Washington Post, and Burkman was insinuating that high-level government officials were retaliating against him for his efforts to root out corruption in Washington. A person going by he name Bev Donahue sent a series of photos and video clips of the “raid” to reporters, and shared them on an eponymous twitter account created in August. But there’s evidence that “Donahue” is just a pseudonym for Wohl. That Twitter account is associated with an email address beginning with “ja” and a cell phone number that, like Wohl’s, ends with the digits 91.
FBI agents raided the home of lobbyist, conspiracy theorist and right-wing operative Jack Burkman early Monday.
Burkman confirmed the raid and said he was not arrested. His associate Jacob Wohl said that the agents took computers, papers and cellphones from the home but that it was unclear what the federal investigators were seeking.
“It’s quite strange,” Wohl said. He and Burkman said they were not questioned by the FBI.
A spokeswoman for the FBI’s Washington Field Office said, “We cannot confirm that at this time.”
Wohl and Burkman suggested without evidence that the raid was tied an upcoming news conference they have planned. “We’re not going to be intimidated,” Burkman said.
From 2019 -“Burkman’s efforts to bankroll a private investigation (into the unsolved 2016 murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich ), almost got him killed when his own investigator shot him in a hotel parking garage.”