The Tibetan Empire came into existence in the seventh century when Emperor Songtsän Gampo united numerous tribes of the region. From 1578, leadership of Tibet has been in the hands of the Dalai Lamas, whose succession is based on the doctrine of reincarnation, and who are known as spiritual leaders, although their historical status as rulers is disputed.
Located on the Tibetan Plateau, the world's highest region, Tibet is bordered on the north and east by China, on the west by the Kashmir Region of India and on the south by Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan.
Tibet occupies about 471,700 square miles (1,221,600 square kilometers) on the high Plateau of Tibet surrounded by enormous mountains.
Balep, a Tibetan bread, requires no oven [5:46]:
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Tibetan architecture contains Oriental and Indian influences, and reflects a deeply Buddhist approach. The Buddhist wheel, along with two dragons, can be seen on nearly every gompa (Buddhist temple) in Tibet. The design of the Tibetan chörten (burial monument) can vary, from roundish walls in Kham to squarish, four-sided walls in Ladakh.
Standing at 117 meters in height and 360 meters in width, the Potala Palace is considered to be the most important example of Tibetan architecture. Formerly the residence of the Dalai Lama, it contains over a thousand rooms within 13 stories, and houses portraits of the past Dalai Lamas and statues of the Buddha. It is divided between the outer White Palace, which serves as the administrative quarters, and the inner Red Quarters, which houses the assembly hall of the lamas, chapels, 10,000 shrines, and a vast library of Buddhist scriptures.
Don’t splash the sauce when slurping Laphing [5:52]:
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Religion is extremely important to Tibetans. Tibetan Buddhism is a subset of Tantric Buddhism, also known as Vajrayana Buddhism, which is also related to the Shingon Buddhist tradition in Japan. Tibetan Buddhism is also practiced in Mongolia, the Buryat Republic, the Tuva Republic, and in the Republic of Kalmykia. Tibet is also home to the original spiritual tradition called Bön, the indigenous shamanistic religion of the Himalayas.
OMG! Tibetan stuffed potato balls! Shogo Momo [8:00]:
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Tibetan art is deeply religious in nature, a form of sacred art. From the exquisitely detailed statues found in Gompas to wooden carvings to the intricate designs of the Thangka paintings, the overriding influence of Tibetan Buddhism on culture and art can be found in almost every object and every aspect of daily life.
The Greek skill in statuary, brought to neighboring India in the fourth century B.C.E. by Alexander the Great, led to a Greco-Buddhist synthesis. Whereas the Buddha did not previously have a standardized statuary representation, the Greek models inspired both bronze and stone statues of the Buddha to be created for temple use.
Thangka paintings, a syncretism of Chinese scroll-painting with Nepalese and Kashmiri painting, appeared in Tibet around the tenth century. Rectangular and painted on cotton or linen, they are usually traditional motifs depicting religious, astrological, and theological subjects, and sometimes the mandala. To ensure that the image will not fade, organic and mineral pigments are added, and the painting is framed in colorful silk brocades.
Thukpa is a traditional soup, often made with chicken. Here’s a vegetarian version for samb [5:16]:
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The most important crop in Tibet is barley, and dough made from barley flour called tsampa, is the staple food of Tibet. This is either rolled into noodles or made into steamed dumplings called momos. Meat dishes are likely to be yak, goat, or mutton, often dried, or cooked into a spicy stew with potatoes. Mustard seed is cultivated in Tibet, and therefore features heavily in its cuisine. Yak yoghurt, butter and cheese are frequently eaten, and well-prepared yoghurt is considered a prestige item. Butter tea is very popular to drink and many Tibetans drink up to 100 cups a day.
This next recipe is purely for the cultural value. I, at least, intend never to make it.
Spicy Curry Tripe Recipe - Droepa Khatsa - Tibetan Specialty [4:02]:
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It is now more common for couples to meet at public gatherings and to then seek permission from their respective families to marry. After a couple is officially wedded (typically at the bridegroom’s house), prayer flags are hoisted from the bride’s side of the family upon the rooftop of the house, and all participate in the wedding feast. Although polygamy was once practiced on a limited scale, monogamy is now predominant.
Oh, yum: chicken curry! [3:57]
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The economy of Tibet is dominated by subsistence agriculture. Livestock raising is the primary occupation mainly on the Tibetan Plateau, including sheep, cattle, goats, camels, yaks (large, long-haired oxen) and horses. However the main crops grown are barley, wheat, buckwheat, rye, potatoes and assorted fruits and vegetables. Butter from the yak and the mdzo-mo (a crossbreed of the yak and the cow) is the main dairy product.
Phing Mokru is a vegetarian soup made with glass noodles and black fungus. It looks wonderful [4:25]:
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I’ve always heard them called Tibetan singing bowls, but apparently they’re now Himalayan singing bowls:
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