Undercover journalist Lauren Windsor today released tapes of her conversing with Justice Alito where the justice expressed his doubts that America’s national divide can be resolved peacefully. Windsor doesn’t say exactly where or when the tape was made but it appears to be at an event where justices mingled with attendees, including Windsor. In the conversation Windsor (falsely) presents herself as a pro-life conservative concerned about the polarization of the country.
Things get delicate at about the one minute mark as Windsor states:
Windsor: ”as a Catholic and as someone who, like, cherishes my faith, I just don’t know that we can negotiate with the Left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end. I think it’s a matter of like winning.”
That rather disturbing sentiment, reflecting a strong bias against liberals, is heartily agreed to by Alito:
Alito: I think you’re probably right. One side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean there can be a way of living together peacefully . . .
If it stopped there, this might still be salvageable for Alito, but he continues, appearing to dismiss peacefully working things out as unlikely.
Alito: there can be a way of living together peacefully. But it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.
Windsor goes on to suggest that the “winning” described above comes down to the justices supporting morality as defined by God and Christianity.
Windsor: “people in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that, to return out country to a place of godliness.”
Alito makes clear he agrees with that theocratic vision for America.
Alito: I agree with you. I agree with you.
In an earlier interview with Alito, from 2023, Alito blames the media for the loss of public trust in the court. “It’s easy to blame the media,” says Alito, “but I do blame them because they do nothing but criticize us.” Notably, this statement was before the flags controversy that has further undermined trust in the court. In that earlier interview Alito describes the polarization as “dangerous.” In the later interview he rejects compromise to reduce that danger.
A similar taped interview with Justice Roberts, with Roberts rejecting the notion that his own morality should be imposed and rejecting the idea that the United States is a Christian nation. The MAGAs aren’t going to like that.
Roberts’ comments might help, but Alito’s will further undermine a court’s reputation under fair attack. In America’s culture wars Justice Alito has taken a side, and he has no interest in compromising.