Mainstream media did it.
The Daily Show did it.
Jon Stewart On What Went Wrong For Democrats | The Daily Show
Cenk of the Young Turks did it—after essentially knee-capping Democrats with his constant Dem bashing.
Progressives who sat out the election or who truly thought Trump was going to help their causes did this as well—
They all sat around pointing fingers, participating in the toxic, unhelpful blame game after Trump’s win.
To me, this is not the same as constructive regrouping, where one finds a way to get one's message out to the public in a manner that resonates. It’s just an “it’s all your fault” campaign that is rarely productive and, once again, makes Democrats look like they are in “disarray.”
And hell, this is not even to say the campaign was perfect—it wasn’t—but it was 110 gazillion shades better than what Hannibal Lecter’s bestie was offering!
There really is no excuse.
I mean, yeah, sure, sure, Kamala Harris pulled off a miracle by running a near-flawless campaign in only three months, but she was too woke or too center—aggressive and not aggressive enough—too happy and joyful or too much of a hard ass…
Just too much, yah know—
Some even said she was too pro-trans, whatever the fuck that means. In the real world, Kamala was very low-key on the topic, realizing it would be a power keg for a low-information public.
Harris knew she could educate America much later—she had to get the meat of her message out first, especially with so little time to spare!
Want to know who was obsessed with the trans community?
Erin Reed expertly broke this down in a recent substack, pointing out that the people obsessed with culture wars were on The Right. During a press conference, Sarah McBride, the first transgender Democratic congressperson in U.S. history, shut that noise down:
“Some have blamed that voters in your party have leaned too far into culture war issues, transgender issues… how should your party respond to that?” In response, Jayapal turned to other caucus members present, prompting Sarah McBride to step forward and deliver a sharp rebuke of those claims.
“Let’s be clear,” McBride started. “The party that was focused on culture wars… the party that was focused on trans people… was the Republican Party. It was Donald Trump. It was the hundred million, two hundred million dollars they spent on television ads. But I want to be clear: I do not believe, from what I’ve seen from the voters in Delaware, that the voters in my state were responding to those attacks… We were seeing those ads that Donald Trump clearly prioritized… What I was hearing from voters across the state of Delaware was not the ads that Donald Trump was putting on the air. What I was hearing from folks was the need to build an economy for everyone… What I was hearing was that the American dream is increasingly unaffordable and inaccessible. What I was hearing was that we need to guarantee affordable healthcare, housing, and childcare for every person in this state and country.”
In other words, the Trump campaign spent millions in battleground states to make reasonable people believe little Timmy would go to school one day and come home as Samantha without their parent’s consent.
So, one side was engaged in culture war fearmongering, yet somehow we are the ones being accused of culture war fearmongering—and people are BUYING IT!
You can’t make this shit up!
To be clear—the party that is in disarray is the Republicans, with some of their voters freaking the hell out as they realize just what they voted for.
Too bad, so sad—not!
As to whether Trump cheated this go-round—duh?
He cheated in plain sight after 2020 with a flurry of go-nowhere lawsuits and constant whining.
He cheated by getting help from Russia in the form of bomb threats, and lord knows what else.
He cheated by the overt use of lies and disinformation—which is well documented.
And that is what we saw on the surface—
Just saying.
It was racism and sexism, stupid!
The typical racist sexist nitpick, nitpick, nitpick of a near-perfect candidate is infuriating, especially under the circumstances Harris was dealing with and the fact that we are swallowing the Right’s psyops shit!
The armchair quarterbacking is shake-your-head-worthy.
Meanwhile, the other guy was an addlepated, diaper-filling, bigoted asshat who performed fellatio on a mic stand, called Arizonians Azzurazians, acted as if Hannibal Lecter was a real person, and talked about the size of Arnold Palmers’s dong.
To near-empty venues, I might add.
All the concerns about someone being too old to govern just evaporated like magic.
But Harris, hoo-boy, she had to dot every I and cross every T to exacting standards—and still got blamed in the end???
What the fucking actual fuck!
As was said, Trump gets to be lawless, while Kamala has to be flawless.
The only thing Kamala Harris did wrong was be Black and a woman, full stop!
A White male candidate would have been extolled for handling things with as much dignity and class under so much pressure—hell, we are still singing John McCain’s praises for acting like a decent human when someone tried to spread a lie about Obama on one of his campaign stops.
Lest we forget, VP Harris also had to war against a Right-wing propaganda disinformation machine that has been going full blast since the days of Rush Limbaugh.
Add to this FBI-documented Russian interference and bomb threats, and it’s a wonder Kamala made headway at all—a testament to her skill, amazing spirit, and discipline!
I don’t care who gets mad; this needs to be said:
Democratic leaders, finger-wagging pundits, and yes, even supporters, some of whom I respect, are allowing the right to frame the narrative and get away with it.
Stop letting the opposition tell people what we believe in or shape our reality—we need to say what we stand for with our chest!
YES, we believe in equality!
YES, we believe climate change is real!
YES, we believe in green initiatives!
YES, we believe everyone has a seat at the table!
YES, we believe in a woman’s right to bodily autonomy!
NO, we don't think children should work in coal mines or have rape babies.
What the Republicans, with the help of oligarch-captured mainstream media, are trying to do is get us to cower away from our most powerful stances and initiatives.
“See, the American people don’t want this!” they crow as they rob America blind.
It’s another form of suppression and oppression.
If we give in to the bullying, are we saying they want dirty water, little girls raising babies, men carrying out their “your body, my choice” assault fantasies, bigotry, blood violence, and chaos?
Do we remedy the divide by giving the angry nihilists what they want, or do we stand by our principles no matter what the easily-led masses think?
Sure, we may win elections if we do so—but at what cost?
To throw everything away is to abandon the ideas that mean a better future for all and, in turn, disregard people desperately needing a voice. This is why, at times, I almost feel like a woman without a party. It has caused me to seriously consider leaving America because, hey, why would I want to keep fighting for a country that has ceased to keep fighting for me?
A country that would toss me aside for political expediency?
Once upon a time, I would not have believed it so—now…
Humph—we live in uncertain times indeed.