United Health, once deemed the worst health care insurer in these united states, (wrongful denial of coverage, dicking people around AFTER pre-approval of some medical care, and worse) had a very rich CEO. Brian Thompson, the CEO since 2021, and until early this morning, a resident of Minnesota, ran the very much “for profit” health insurer United Health. They were known as the biggest pusher of Medicare Advantage, aka, legal robbery, in the country. They were also known for their aggressive profit making, cutting services and coverages without regard to laws, ethics, or some smidgeon of humanity.
Former employees have been repeated quoted as saying, “The money comes in, but we never pay out.”
This morning, before a large meeting in which he was featured to brag about his latest profits over people result, was to take place in New York City. A masked gunman waited for him to appear, shot and killed him, then escaped on a bicycle. Other than the 100,000s of insureds wrongly treated by UH, there are no known suspects.
We know it cannot be a MAGA because he wore a mask.
Some years ago,the national trial lawyers association did an in-depth study to rate insurance companies, health, WC, Liability and more. The results were stunning. United Health was the worst carrier across this flat earth, putting profits over people, deliberately lying to insureds, reversing Pre-approval decisions without notice, and refusing to cover clearly coverable treatment. I have a copy of that study, but I will have to dig it up.