So now the undead J6 juggernaut looks to have been joined, whole hog, by a SCOTUS cynosure. According to undoctored, undisputed photos, Donald Trump’s Stepford judge Sam ‘The Sham’ Alito has plighted his fealty to Big Blonder by turning Old Glory upside down.
Let it be said. More than ever, one can (and should) imagine Trump’s troop near some witch’s castle, dourly droning
I pledge Alito to the flag of our seditious, insane dystopia. And to the Trumpublic
for which it stands. Indignation. Undertow. With tyranny and treason for all.
No surprise here. In 2022, grinding his ax against Roe v Wade, Alito reportedly spewed a fitful, garrulous paean to some wacky-ass witch-whacker from the Dark Ages. Plainly enough, Alito’s motto could be ‘MAKE AMERICAN MEDIEVAL AGAIN.’
As in, of course, ‘MAMA’ Mia.
There goes his neighborhood. Inverting the stars and stripes he purports to revere, he effectively flips the bird at Uncle Sam (no relation). For that Proudly Boyish display, he has the gall to blame his neighbors. His wife. And probably Mrs. O’Leary’s cow.
Blowback has not been strong. Too cute by half, Esquire deems him “sedition-y.” Still partial to polysyllables, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries pegs him an “insurrection sympathizer.”
With all due respect to Mr. Jeffries, Alito’s graphic alignment with mongers of fiats-not-laws shows not just sympathy, but support for J6. By any reasonable measure, that can’t help but spell INSURRECTIONIST, PERIOD.
The backstory here isn’t rocket science. From Day One, our Constitution has defined “treason” as giving “aid and comfort” to enemies. And/or, beyond even that, as “levying war… against the United States.”
Looking at J6 clips, if you can’t see a cult on a war footing (wearing sharp spikes, indeed!), you need thicker lenses.
Funny thing. While wrapping itself in our flag, Trump’s troop effectively impugns it by grossly violating its code’s prescribed use, when turned topsy-turvy: namely, to signal distress (and hopefully bring help).
So, let’s face it. Trump’s GOP has foisted an SOS for the Trump-swamped ship of state that we, the people, may not survive. (Sad.)
Toward Dems winning at the polls AND going the extra light year to thwart the GOP’s well-telegraphed, ongoing win-or-coup attempt, Mr. Jeffries will do well to speak more full-throatedly. Not to mention President Biden. As if cool abstraction drove voting behavior, the leader of our sole non-despotic major party (and the free world) calmly points out “democracy is on the ballot.”
In a way, that’s true. Meanwhile, in a concrete, immediate, no doubt more compelling sense, also on the ballot is the prolifically indicted, admitted (on tape) habitual carnal assaulter who now howls (sans reason, evidence, or logic) that Mr. Biden “deserves” to be killed. (Hello.)
Against such wanton, despotic earth-scorching, peashooters and spitballs cannot avail much. About a century ago, fascism founder Benito Mussolini snarled “DRAIN THE SWAMP!” and “MAKE [THIS COUNTRY] GREAT AGAIN!” As if to prove history tends to repeat, Trump won power while echoing those two bromides. Smearing Dems. And praising a Mussolini doppelganger named Putin.
On we go- or not. In 2018, flush with victory, Il Duce devotee/Trump Svengali Steve Bannon honked “Democrats don’t matter.” Even if one disagrees, surely we all can grasp the need to bring to bear far greater impact going forward.
Against a cult that looks to prevail by “ballots” or by “bullets” (quoting Mike “Killer Bee” Huckabee), even if we win the voting, we may barely stand a fighting chance. So. At the very least, can we unite to preserve our grand old flag- and our Trump-scourged, flagging nation? To right our ship of state? To save Old Glory from a cult of Capitol crashing “enemies… domestic?”
In all, can we stop appeasing and start standing and fighting as if our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor depend on it?