By David Glenn Cox
And so, the defense rests. But, but, but he was going to testify. He said so! He said, boy, let me at them! Just you wait till I get my chance to yammer at em some. I’ll tear em to pieces. Thank God for short-term memory loss, huh? In one ear and right out the other without any deflection or deviation. It really begins making me wonder if they are listening at all. If Donald hasn’t just become a cultural icon of the Reich like blue jeans, country music, spousal abuse or pickup trucks.
You know after a while; the noise loses all of its meaning and becomes just volume. What’s Trump saying today? “I don’t know. But I agree, whatever it is.” The monotonous drone of the same noise over and over. “Crooked, look what they’re doing to me! Biden election interference! They’re all out to get me!” Even the biggest Dukes of Hazzard fan eventually gets bored. “Watch! Luke’s gonna jump the General Lee again!”
Donald Trump stands like the tidy bowl man in his rowboat about to get flushed. Ready to take it down to the next notch in his slow decline towards oblivion. Now we fight about his crooked trial and his pending appeal and his pending crooked trial appeal. “Blah, blah, blah not guilty. Blah, blah, blah look what they’ve done to my song ma.” More of the same, rinse and repeat non-sense.
In the short attention span theater, it is always important to constantly remind the audience that you are still out there. There is so much going on in a busy day that it’s easy enough to forget if not reminded. Once, it was all new and exciting. A breath of faux fresh air. Something new in their lives like crack cocaine. And some of them had their dalliance and lost the house over it and will spend time in Federal prison because of it. The bulk of them won’t.
Third time around…it’s just not done old boy. Two attempts to grab that brass ring and it’s somebody else’s turn. You’re holding up the line. In his absorption of the Republican Party Donald Trump has destroyed the succession of the youngins taking over for the old folks. Who will be the Republican nominee in four years? Who is a rising star? Who is that bright young rising star in the Republican Party? Nobody, all eyes, and lights are focused entirely on the trials and tribulations of Donald Trump.
Facts! And he said, and then Michael Cohen said, and the big lawyer man said. Who can keep up? Day after day and week after week. “Watch! Luke’s gonna jump the General Lee again!” They love Donald Trump and believe him faithfully regardless of whatever he says. Because mainly they aren’t listening all that much anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah right whatever, crooked Judge. Okay, got it. And the what about the what? The venue? Is that one of them damn new electric cars? Oh, hell no!
It's becoming routine, and the routine soon becomes the mundane and then becomes boring. Especially in the short attention span theater. Trump refers to himself as the most persecuted President ever forgetting about Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan. He refers to his plight like that of Jesus of Nazareth and no antenna were raised in the crowd. Either the short attention span theater actually agrees his plight has been like that of Jesus of Nazareth, or they aren’t really listening.
Madison Avenue calls it the band wagon approach. Everybody is doing it, especially all the cool kids. So, the best place to hold a political rally is at the beach next to an amusement park. I once held a political rally inside a Rolling Stones concert and twelve thousand supporters showed up. But admittedly, a few only showed up to hear the Stones.
See? They all came to see me! Pay no attention to those roller coasters or those waves crashing on that beautiful sandy beach on a sunny Saturday. Eighty to one hundred thousand souls, eighty to one hundred thousand brain cells maybe. A phony number from the king of phony numbers. Imagine, if he could have held his inauguration right next door to Six Flags. It could have been like another Woodstock except with cops, bear spray and tear gas.
Don’t watch the central figure in the center ring, watch what is going on in the other circus rings. Pete Navarro on his way to prison. Steve Bannon on his way to prison. John Eastman is disbarred. And comic relief (America’s alcoholic) Rudy patootie Giuliani gets served by Arizona officials as he thumbs his nose at law enforcement live on Zoom. If this were a Mob movie, Rudy wouldn’t be in any more scenes until the “Construction Workers Find a Body” scene.
Rudy knows too much and talks even more. It’s a damn good thing nobody is listening.
I predict Donald Trump will be found guilty, and the thundering mob will let out a groan and a spasm of anger and outrage. Right before quietly returning to whatever it was, they were doing before the verdict was announced. You can only be new once, and that’s over forever. Donald Trump will spend the rest of his days fighting off the charges in court. Day after day as the charges slowly envelope him. As the short attention span theater slowly loses interest in him and moves on to the next shiny object or whatever else catches their fancy. “Watch! Luke’s gonna jump the General Lee again!”
“The pitifulest thing out is a mob; that's what an army is--a mob; they don't fight with courage that's born in them, but with courage that's borrowed from their mass, and from their officers. But a mob without any MAN at the head of it is BENEATH pitifulness.” – Mark Twain