How to blow a bridge.
They fucked around. They (almost) found out.
Taganrog is a Russian city on the Sea of Azov just east of Mariupol.
A tank with a spoiler?
Send it to Kharkiv.
This factory was hit earlier by a Ukrainian long-range drone but it needs to be targeted repeatedly.
While this sounds great, delivery of all 30 F-16s will not be complete until 2028.
This doesn’t sound great.
Yep. First they are going to take Berlin, then they’ll nuke London and march all the way to Gibraltar with their turtle tanks. Yep, they’ll teach us not to mess with Mighty Russia.
One of the designated scapegoats thought he could fight back in court. 😂
3/ "Popov argued that he believed that Gerasimov, the chief of the General Staff, who was the main organizer of the harassment against Popov, would be the next to resign.
4/ "In addition, Popov has attempted to approach the FSB's Military Counterintelligence Department (DVKR) in order to incriminate Gerasimov. Popov made it clear that he planned to bring a dozen more officers who were also ready to testify.
5/ "On the eve of his arrest on May 17, Popov said that he refused to cooperate with the FSB on this issue and informed those who agreed to testify against Gerasimov that there was no need to do so any more. Popov did not give any reasoning for this decision to his entourage.
6/ "Those who were in contact with him noted his depressed state at that moment. It is also noteworthy that the evidentiary materials regarding the illegal sale of metal structures by Popov were provided by the DVKR FSB.
7/ "The case of Popov was directly handled by Anton Durmanenko, an officer of the DVKR FSB.It should be noted that the sale of scrap metal is a widespread activity among commanders of units that are in the war zone.
Meanwhile, in Georgia, the Parliament overrode the president’s veto of the notorious foreign agent law.
We could try this in Congress, but we’d need a hose.
It was probably that link he clicked on telling him there was a UPS package for him but there were problems delivering it.
Russians are engaged in sabotage????? Say it ain’t so!
The Snake was not able to slither away.
A couple of Russian uneasy riders demonstrate the potential hazards of assaulting Ukrainian defenses on motorcycles.
Those Chinese golf carts burn quite nicely.
Now we know where all of Russia’s air defense went.
I have seen a number of posts about Ukraine counter-attacking and making gains — at Vovchansk and at Krasnohorivka, where supposedly a group of Russians who made it into the city have been cut off.
There is a new Worst Job in the Russian Army — Loaf (Scooby Doo van) driver.
An update on the attack on the Epicenter mall in Kharkiv.
And just outside Kharkiv the Russians decided to target a farm and kill some animals.
They also decided to kill some aid workers.
Sign of the times.
I don’t think they have rainbows where he is now.
He should have stayed in Kursk and looked after the animals there.
Rest in peace.
Good girl.
She plays a wicked air guitar. 🎸