Just Samuel Alito’s wife recently was recorded at a public event talking with Lauren Windsor—a documentary filmmaker and “advocacy journalist”. She apparently is so offended by the Pride Flag that she wants to fly her own flag, with the message “Shame, Shame on You”, but in Italian… because you know, it’s classier that way…
Her husband does not really know the meaning of shame in English, so why do we need to go to the Italian? Wouldn’t it be great if everywhere she and her husband show up, recused, unrepentant, some cheerful folks could wave a nice Vergogna flag, along with “Shame, Shame on You.”
Here are Ms. Alito’s words as quoted in Vanity Fair: (www.vanityfair.com/...)
“I made a flag in my head. This is how I satisfy myself. I made a flag. It’s white and it has yellow and orange flames around it. And in the middle is the word vergogna. Vergogna in Italian means ‘shame.’ Vergogna. V-E-R-G-O-G-N-A. Vergogna. Shame, shame, shame on you.”
“Shame, shame, shame on you” indeed.
I’ll leave it to some mid-journey jockeys to create a more compelling image — Maybe a Lady Justice peeking under her blindfold and tipping the scales?
You can read more about the story here: www.vanityfair.com/...
“Have you no vergogna, Justice Alito?"
“Have you no vergogna, Ms. Alito?"
Really, we do need to elevate the conversation, but at the same time...sheesh.