Our own Rule of Claw is making political ads that look great! This showed up in my YouTube recommendations today:
He will be doing one or two of these each week until the election. If you want to support this work, the link to his Patreon is in the video notes. Or you can find him on TheClawNews at Patreon.
We each do what we can. I don’t have the knowledge or talent to do something like this, so my part is much smaller. I can’t walk, I can’t write enough to do the letters/postcards, so I phonebank. That’s a pretty small thing to do, and it only reaches a few people, but it’s something.
Some of us here work with our local campaigns. (I did that for Hilary.) Some fundraise, and do a stunning job of it. Some can knock doors and talk face-to-face. (I did that for Bill Clinton and Obama.) Look for what you can do. If you don’t know, call your local Democratic headquarters and ask. Maybe you can stuff mailers, or fill packets for the door-walkers. Maybe you can coordinate a phone tree for other volunteers. If you’re in a union, organize a day of action for your Local. And don’t forget down-ballot races. They need help, too.
We can’t each do everything, but each of us can do something.