It's Very Simple
I want a president who brings down inflation
I want a president who deals effectively with a pandemic
I want a president who reacts swiftly to natural disasters
I want a president who treats blue states and red states with equal respect
I want a president who takes climate change seriously
I want a president who chooses competent cabinet members free of scandal
I want a president whose speeches inspire pride in our country and We the People
I want a president who allows women to make their own health decisions
I want a president dedicated to equality in all things for minorities
I want a president who speaks softly and carries a big stick
I want a president who chips away at the deficit
I want a president who respects our allies and makes life difficult for our enemies
I want a president whose followers think for themselves instead of repeating hate speech spewed by a cult leader
I want a president who views immigrants as human beings, not criminal "invaders"
I want a president who tells the truth
I want a president who respects democracy
I want a president who isn’t awaiting sentencing on 34 felony convictions
I want the president who's been doing all of the above all along.
I want President Biden.
We should be so lucky to have four more years with Joe at the helm.
And now, our feature presentation...
Cheers and Jeers for Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Note: Here's ye olde July 4th holiday schedule for C&J. Tomorrow we’ll post a regular C&J. Thursday morning we'll post our traditional muttontastic July 4, 1776 edition of this column, then follow it with an abbreviated C&J Friday evening. In response, a distressed Mrs. Alito will fly all of her flags upside down. Not sure how Mrs. Clarence Thomas will react, as she will be on Harlan Crow’s yacht with headphones strapped on listening to Goebbels’ Greatest Hits. It’s an evil job, but someone’s gotta do it. —Mgt.
By the Numbers:
8 days!!!
Days 'til election day: 126
Days 'til the Belmar Sand Castle Contest in New Jersey: 8
Rise in core inflation between April and May: 0.1%
Decline in the price of used cars and trucks since May 2022: -9.3%
Estimated medical cannabis providers in Maine: 3,000
Estimated annual sales of medical and recreational pot in Maine: $500 million
Date on which Pixar's Inside Out 2 hit $1 billion in ticket sales: 6/30/24
Puppy Pic of the Day: Sleepin' to the strummin'….
JEERS to something I never expected to read in my lifetime. The Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity came down yesterday, and America was hit in the face with a judicial frying pan from which, sorry to say, we will never recover. So congratulations, United States. As Justice Sonia Sotomayor succinctly explains, six MAGA justices—three days before our official celebration of the Declaration of Independence, mind you—have just overturned the Declaration of Independence:
"The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law."
So…fireworks this year or no fireworks this year?
CHEERS to Day 1. Thanks to our secret source inside the prison where Steve Bannon has begun his first day as an inmate, we have some snippets of how he's coping with the start of his four-month stint behind bars:
"Please don’t hurt me!"
"This food tastes too bland and moves too much."
"I have to do pee-pee and poo-poo out in the open?"
"This f*ckin' sucks, and I am afraid."
But worst of all, in the wake of the SCOTUS absolute immunity ruling, he couldn’t go to Mar-a-Lago to be there for the popping of the champagne corks. So sad. Poor little fella. Life is unfair.
CHEERS to leveling the playing field. 60 years ago today, in 1964, President Johnson signed into law a sweeping civil rights bill originally introduced by JFK that secured "equal rights in voting, education, public accommodations, union membership and in federally assisted programs—regardless of race, color, religion or national origin." And that sure pissed off the asshole wing of the American public:
During the debate on the bill, segregationist politicians from America's deep south expressed their disappointment and anger.
Iconic moment—July 2, 1964.
Congressman Howard Smith of Virginia called it a "monstrous oppression of the people."
How sweet to know that today's racist apples don’t fall far from the crazy tree. Even with the murders by police, racial profiling, economic injustice, and voter suppression, a huge swath of today's conservatives, up to and including six members of the Supreme Court—special shoutout to the Black porn addict who thinks he’s white and loves to pal around around with a billionaire Nazi fetishist in exchange for favorable rulings—seem to believe that overt discrimination against minorities is a thing of the past, and America is now guilty of discrimination against the poor, defenseless white people. Frankly, I believe that, too. But only when I'm smokin' something really wacky.
CHEERS to open rebellion. On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress passed a resolution saying that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States." Luckily, Edward Rutledge recorded the whole thing on his smartphone:
And that, kids, is why we now have those awesome July mattress sales.
JEERS to dry heat, wet heat, heat, heat, heat. As squirrels sploot for brief relief , the record-setting heat over much of the country is so awful is that it briefly distracted conservative pundits from writing their latest columns warning about the dangers of global cooling. The only thing that can help the situation at this point is the presence of something so ice-cold that it radiates a frozen aura and brings a chill to the region just by existing in the middle of it. Unfortunately, the National Weather Service says Jeanine Pirro isn't returning their calls.
Ten years ago in C&J: July 2, 2014
CHEERS to less stirrup-time. I should probably preface this item with a brief disclaimer: I am not a doctor but you should still follow my medical advice because I did get my First Aid merit badge in the Boy Scouts. Now that we're clear on that, here's some probably-good news for women from real doctors:
The American College of Physicians said Monday that it strongly recommends against annual pelvic exams for healthy, low-risk women. In fact, the intrusive exams may do more harm than good for women who aren't pregnant or don't have signs of problems, a group of doctors wrote in the Annals of Internal Medicine. […] Not all doctors agree about these new guidelines. "This recommendation will be controversial," obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. George Sawaya wrote in an accompanying editorial with a colleague at the University of California, San Francisco.
However, the ACP cautions that regular pelvic exams are still highly recommended for Elvis impersonators.
And just one more…
JEERS to short fuses and slow reflexes. Fireworks are now a fact of life here in Maine (thank you, 2011 Republican-led legislature, you twits). In fairness, though, municipalities are still free to ban fireworks, and Portland is among them (our city has burned down enough times, thanks). But like everywhere else this year, sales of personal explosives are, um, rocketing this year. Some of our neighbors are already firing shit off their balcony, and Grampa Billy has the cops on speed-dial. Harumph. And now please join us for our annual pre-4th C&J tradition: reminding ourselves that fireworks are most dangerous when they're in the hands of crazy-ass mannequins...
And now let’s give a flag-wavin' cheer to America’s official July 4th motto: “The Emergency Room Is Thataway."
Have a tolerable Tuesday. Floor's open...What are you cheering and jeering about today?
Today's Shameless C&J Testimonial
MSNBC’s Joy Reid Equates Reading Cheers and Jeers with Eating a ‘Pile of Poo’