How to explain the Harris phenomenon:
You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time!
Potus waited until the JD pick then pulled the stopper out of the flask and out popped a genie named Kamala. Timing is all…
...from the head of Zeus Athena leaps fully formed...
Laughter and joy and hope are the most contagious emotions in this sidereal universe. The audacity of hope...indeed!
This nation longs for a generational change of leadership. Out with the old; in with the young. Young pathfinders assemble... lead us into a more perfect union.
Magas are dense enough to have their own event horizon. Does this help explain the e-information paradox or the differences between Earth One and Earth Two?
When VP Harris speaks, she calls. Look how many ran toward the sounds of her first barrage. Look at the new mountains of ammo ($) and the volunteers... the vast divisions of fresh ground infantry (door knockers and phone bank workers).
the media ...the talking heads...always say Dems be immersed in a stew of high anxiety and that we always expect the worst that can happen… fearful...if you will. Never expecting the desired, the best, outcomes. Not now… not for the last three or so weeks. Nils Desperandum! Never Despair! Our mission is clear! Make it so…