I hate this man and everything he does and stands for (you should to)
From the article www.huffpost.com/…
WASHINGTON — Two decades after attacking a fellow Purple Heart recipient in a political campaign, Chris LaCivita is back at it, this time in service of Donald Trump, who dodged military service by claiming he had bone spurs and who later called U.S. service members “suckers” and “losers.”
LaCivita is one of two established political consultants credited with giving the coup-attempting, convicted criminal former president a more effective and professional campaign this time compared to his 2016 and 2020 runs. He has, since the announcement of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as the Democratic vice presidential nominee on Tuesday, been busy attempting to discredit Walz’s 24 years of service in the National Guard.
Trump’s campaign, run by LaCivita, and its allies are accusing Walz of abandoning his Guard unit just as it was about to be deployed to Iraq and for falsely suggesting in his earlier congressional campaigns that he had seen combat in a previous overseas posting.
of course this is all BS but it doesn’t matter. Once these talking points get out there, they stay there. Just ask John Kerry who figured “nobody is going to believe them:
Check out Adam Kisinger’s response and see how difficult it is to respond to it
Can we “flip the script” and make Chris LaCivita the issue? What ‘s his past in the military? Whats his personal history? Is he a sexual predictor? Has he been seen at strip clubs. “Enough of “” When they go low, we go high” How about when they go low, we kick them in the nuts “
Tim Walz is a good and decent man, Chris LaCivta is a sleazebag: Maybe he served proudly in the military. Well the Wafern SS were braze soldiers as well Doesn't’ take away from what they were and many of them were shot by the US and UK soldiers when they were discovered.