Here is an excellent resource from a group called States Action United. It contains info about the election deniers currently holding office, running for office and where they are seated/running across all states. The CEO of States Action United did an interview with The PoliticsGirl podcast discussing the website and the work they are doing to help protect democracy from the tRump cult. I will include the link at the bottom. It's a good listen, so I reccomend it! The more we know and the bigger of a spotlight we can shine on these asshats, the better!
Hell, Maybe even AG Merrick is helping Biden and these other groups/coalitions prepare behind the scenes. Anything is possible!
Our #1 job is to focus on GOTV and voting like we have never voted before. Blue, blue and more blue all the way down the ballot! We got this!
States Action United CEO Joanna Lydgate on the The PoliticsGirl Podcast via MeidasTouch channel