Ukraine has launched a cross-border attack in Russia’s Kursk Oblast. There are reports of strikes in the Russian town of Sudzha, which is about 7 km inside the border and is along the highway that runs from Sumy in Ukraine to Kursk in Russia.
Is this just a quick strike and they’ll pull back? Is Ukraine planning on holding this territory? Are they hoping to force Russia to pull back troops from other areas to defend this?
Russia is claiming they drove the invaders back across the border in a glorious victory.
The assault seems to involve at least a column of Strykers.
There are reports that a Russian Ka-52 helicopter was shot down and prisoners have been captured.
When you driving down the road in an area where Ukraine has launched an attack and you see a truck up ahead on fire and two fighters fly by at low altitude — it’s time to turn around.
Russia’s drive to take Toretsk continues.
Russia attacked Kharkiv again, hitting a clinic and student housing.
Another 1,050 Russians either fertilizing Ukrainian fields, filling up body bags or getting some of that superb medical care in a Russian military hospital.
This Forbes story is getting shared a lot on social media. It’s past time for this short-sighted policy to end.
More ammo dumps in a state of advanced bavovna.
Burn it all down.
Usinsk is way up north, about 1,600 north of Yekaterinburg.
There was an article yesterday that claimed Russia’s rail network was in an imminent state of collapse.
This is a good summary of the slow-motion disaster that has been building.
1. putin signed a law that abolished the russian ministry of the railway which put rail under the ministry of transportation
2: the ministry of transportation split the profitable parts of rail across several agencies, and the unprofitable parts are neglected and ignored
3: the agencies pretty much randomly split apart their roles and barely work together
4: no salary increases for workers, even under crazy inflation
5: workers are mass quitting for all above reason
6: he wrote this whole section about how pissed he is the trains don’t cook their own food anymore and now serve microwaved stuff. it was probably the thing he’s more upset about
7: workers are leaving the industry entirely hoping to get out before shit hits the fan and putin panics.
Heavy rains continue to collapse dams in Russia.
I hope he rots in prison.
The bloody military regime in Myanmar has appealed to Russia for military help fighting a growing rebel offensive.
Sure thing. 🤣 Maybe they’ll send some Chinese golf carts. Or some scooters.
Russia has a military theme park?
What’s a navy captain doing in Vovchansk?
Rest in peace.
The Belarus Special Forces Dance Team is jealous.
In the comments someone IDed this bird as a Eurasian bittern.