My son is a sophomore at Penn State and is eligible to vote in a presidential election for the first time. He has never been very political, but he does want to vote in the election and joined some other students to try to get Centre County to add more polling stations on campus. He and a few others made a presentation to the county voting board on the importance of making it easy fo the students to vote, given that the campus is huge, with a lot of students, and those students are not very mobile. A Republican on the committee actually told them he sees no reason to make one available because the students will not vote for Republicans. I told him this is exactly why I not just oppose but actively loathe the Republican party at this point. They do not believe in truth or democracy. If you do not believe in those two things, no other issue matters. I told him that he and his friends should remember this as an example of what the Republican Party stands for these days.