Unlike DonOldTrump and other MAGA/GOPutin folk, I do not relish in the pain of other humans or wish for calamity and misfortune to strike America. But, I do think that today’s weather in Florida provides us with a great opportunity to remind people of one more particular, destructive goal of Rick Scott, DonOld, the Heritage Foundation and RonDeSantis: the dismantling of the National Hurricane Center and NOAA, the hobbling and privatization of the NWS and the crippling of FEMA, so that response to under-prepared-for storms is inadequate.
from the MIami Herald:
And yet, according to Project 2025 — a document hundreds of pages long that lays out a policy agenda and 180-day playbook if the GOP wins the White House — NOAA needs to go. The report calls it “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future U.S. prosperity.”
Full Article:
So, check up on friends and family in the region, remind them that the warning they got this time may not be available if Rick Scott and Don the Con get into office, and implore them to pass this information onto their neighbors.
And, of course, a plug for today’s phone bank to help Flip Florida Blue
All you need is a phone (landline is fine), and a computer or tablet.
Wanna know a bit more before saying yes and saving the world? Here’s how it works:
- Join a zoom call provided through the link to the phonebank event
- Get a quick heads up on the mission for the day
- Get a quick tutorial on the Virtual Phone Bank we will be using
- Open up that Virtual Phone Bank in a browser window
- Make calls while zoom call is in the background, so you can give a shout to someone if you have a question
- Debrief
- End Zoom Call
- Pat yourself on the back