Yaroslav, seen here, survived the missile strike that killed his wife and three daughters. Visegrad24 has a clip of him going back into their home to help the fire fighters try to rescue them.
The west does not want Ukraine to fail.
The west does not want to deal with the chaos of a post-Putin Russia.
So now Ukraine’s soldiers have four new guardian angels … and when Yaroslav’s tears run dry, they’ll have one more comrade.
This is from March 9th of 2022. I don’t know his name, but he went to the store, and when he came home Marsik was the only one left alive. This was the day I stopped being a spectator in the conflict.
Last summer I picked up the phone and made a health & welfare check call to a police department in a flyover state. The American veteran who had been participating in NAFO was already dead when the police got there. I didn’t hear from the guy who asked me to make that call for a long time. He’s back on station now.
Not long after that my phone range again. An American I know came home to visit and do more fundraising. Two Ukrainian friends were using his apartment in Kramatorsk when it took a direct hit from a Russia missile. Three months later he was back in Poland, and more carloads of supplies were on their way to the front.
Here’s another thing I keep handy. I don’t need it today, but maybe you will.
I am a hacker.
I’ve been part of the intelligence function for two of the foreign legions.
I’ve been an advisor for Digital Forces of Ukraine.
Things escalated from there.
The particulars don’t matter, but this IS news I can do something about.
What can you do?
Suchomimus reports often have fund raisers for evacuation vehicles after the reports on Russian losses.
If you want an eye for an eye, I’ve found the Georgian Legion to be very responsive over the years.
But the big picture? Things aren’t going to get better until this woman is seated behind the Resolute Desk signing the bill that will put an end to Ukraine’s military fighting with one arm tied behind their back.
So that’s that.
That is what you can do.
Go make it happen ...