I had written on another diary that an 11 year old in Louisiana shot a Mayor and his daughter. I also reported a 14 year old killed 11 year old in St. Pete. www.fox13news.com/...
Guns are awash in America and states like Ga have weak gun laws.
Kemp has a lot of nerve of opening his mouth after signing his 2022 gun law.
Gov. Brian Kemp signs Senate Bill 319, a measure that allows Georgia gun owners to carry a concealed handgun in public without first obtaining a license from the state.
The gun lobby and republicans have blood on their hands and have not washed the last blood left on their hands.
I was impressed with a host on MSNBC questioning why thousands are not in the street screaming for gun laws and against the republicans who uphold the NRA. She was talking to Activist Hogg about this. She felt every American should be in the streets.
I just heard a kid say had he gone to the bathroom he would probably be dead. Think about that. Fear to relieve yourself because that is in that kid’s head.
These children are living and carrying war zone injuries whether they were shot or not. PTSD is real and used to be suffered only in war but America has become a war zone.
Republicans are such and I can’t say the word...that they feel they have to walk around locked and loaded and not stored for their children to get their hands on that it is sickening. They are so full of hate and are cowards. They teach their kids hate and vote for hateful rhetoric people.
Shame on people who call themselves patriotic and yet prop up gun violence and also teach their children to solve their problems with violence.
Donald Trump recently told gun shooting victims, “ Get over it”. Screw him.
The shooter has been identified as 14 year old as Colt Gray. Not even old enough to have a facebook but obviously a very sick kid who knew how to shoot.