Hope Springs volunteers knocked on 92,901 doors and talked to 7,682 voters. 4,878 of those voters answered at least some of our questions on the Issues Survey.
The Economy was the Top Concern among the Wisconsin voters we talked to on Saturday. Housing and Insurance Issues (ie, Rent, Single Home Availability and affordability of both Housing and Insurance) was the second most frequently cited concern. It’s been a pretty sticky issue with voters this year, not just in Wisconsin. Political Violence, which is an element of the Concern for our Democracy, was third.
External data suggests there are strong reasons why Housing-related issues are coming to the forefront. Affordability is definitely an issue in Wisconsin, as rate increases in Housing Insurance has been elsewhere. But we bundle these issues together, because Availability has also been raised in almost every state as an issue as well. Not that there are obvious federal solutions to these issues, but they are legitimate concerns that voters are talking about at their doors.
Hope Springs from Field PAC began knocking on doors again on March 2nd to set up a favorable “battle space” or foundation for Democrats in 2024. We target Democrats and unaffiliated voters with a systematic approach that reminds them not only that Democrats care, but Democrats are determined to deliver the best government possible to all Americans. The voters we talk to in these 12 Swing States tell us they come away more invested in governance and feel more favorably towards Democrats in general because of our approach.
Obviously, we rely on grassroots support, so if you support field/grassroots organizing, voter registration (and follow-up), GOTV and our efforts to protect our voters, we would certainly appreciate your support:
Hope Springs from Field understands that volunteer to voter personal interactions are critical. Knocking on doors has repeatedly been found to be the most successful tactic to get voters to cast a ballot and that is the goal of what we do.
Kamala Harris’ Approval numbers in Wisconsin remained steady this week, 84% last Saturday; his Disapproval number was 3%. Tammy Baldwin’s Approval fell a point, 68% with 4% of the voters we talked to on Saturday expressing Disapproval. Approval of Governor Evers, meanwhile, was 54%; Disapproval was 6% last Saturday.
Hope Springs from Field volunteers registered 53 new voters and re-registered 88 voters who updated their addresses for the voter file to comply with federal law. The new voters were pretty widely dispersed, both racially and geographically.
488 voters filled out Constituent Service Request forms. We send completed CSRs to Democratic elected officials responsible for the requested functions, but if there are no Democrats who can further the request, and the appropriate office is held by a Republican, we still send it along. For Democrats, though, we encourage them to reach out immediately to the voter who filled out the Constituent Service Request forms and let them know they are working on the issue. This credit-taking is enormously valuable to the Democratic office-holder. We increasingly have local Democratic elected officials and prospective candidates join our Saturday canvasses just because they hear about these CSRs.
As inferred above, Wisconsin is a state where we have had a lot of positive comments about the Constituent Service Request forms, and, boy, did they want them on Saturday!
9 voters in Wisconsin completed an Incident Reports, mostly in an African-American neighborhood in Milwaukee but we had a couple in the Madison area. Incident Reports are used to plan Election Protection activities, and will be combined with other, historical incidents and handed over to District and State Attorneys, Attorney Generals and the DoJ Civil Rights Division right before Election Day as a precaution against Election Day Incidents in November. Past polling place activity is a predictor of future voter intimidation or suppression activity.
But the main focus of our canvassing is the Issues Survey, asking voters for their input and concerns. Voter responses to the questionnaire are entered into VAN and made available to all Democratic candidates who use VAN in the state after the primary. Creating this kind of data isn’t done with a specific goal in mind but has the purpose of engaging voters and creating a dataset that any Democratic candidate can use in opposition to a Republican. (We also make Issues Surveys, Incident Reports and Constituent Service Request forms available at the churches we visit, but we don’t include numbers for those, in part because we don’t always get counts back, but also because we like to compare like to like.)
But here’s the reality: Identifying Single Issue Voters and Constitutional Amendment supporters and doing GOTV (Get-Out-the-Vote) costs us more money than our regular canvassing because this issue drives volunteer turnout higher and higher. Which means we have to buy more lit to distribute and other minor expenses (like water for volunteers). So please:
If you are able to support our efforts to protect Democratic voters, especially in minority communities, expand the electorate, and believe in grassroots efforts to increase voter participation and election protection, please help:
If you would rather send a check, you can follow that link for our mailing address at the bottom of the page. Thank you for your support. This work depends upon you!