It’s the next line:
Effective immediately, I, Donald John Trump, do resign the office of President of The United States.
That’s it. Have your staffer copy and paste it into a document, have it printed, and stash it in the top drawer of The Resolute Desk.
You’re in over your head, Sparky, and you know it. During- and after- the campaign, you have spat out promises to all and sundry like a Pez despenser, virtually every time a you saw a microphone.
Your mouth opens, BANG, a little tablet of promise.
And you can’t keep most of them. You said these things to get elected- desparate to kill all the legal issues facing you.
Congratulations. You’ve done that.
But once you take the oath, go back to The White House? People are going to start expecting results. More results than you can deliver.
Now, in most cases, with most presidents, this wouldn’t be too bad. The electorate generally knows that politicians will promise everything up to the Second Coming to get elected.
But- metaphorically- you actually promised that, the Second Coming. And not to a relatively reasonable base, either. But to people who expect it.
They want 11 million people deported. They want to take on China and take back that canal. They think we should take Greenland, purge the government of anyone not willing to sign a blood oath and turn this country into a satisfying new reich. Cut trillions in waste, bin three or four departments, absolutely!
But really- what they want are lower prices for everything and no consequences.
Which you cannot deliver.
And which, eventually, they’re gonna realize. All presidents face this, but none of them have had the type of supporters you’ve cultivated.
Whatever else they are, Donnie?
They are _vengeful_. It’s actually a large part of what got you back in office. And, once you start to screw up, it’s what’s going to send then howling after you. Once they realize that it’s another year of on the public dime golfing and three years of nothing much getting done?
ACA replacement?
Infrastructure Week?
Last time, a lot of people had no idea what to expect from you, or how to deal with your blame shifting.
Not true this time. This time?
They’ll come for your ass.
So. Be prepared to quit. To quit and then run somewhere where you can live out your last few years in unruffled splendor. Your assistants stroking your ego until it stands, a proud couple inches of glory, basking in glory. People can swing by to show you the library that will never be built to the grandiose levels they propose- at least, not after they take a little off the top, a little here and there. For themselves. Knowing that you, of all people, understand that. As well as under delivering.
You made your point, you got what you really wanted. I doubt you have any more interest in actually doing the work than you did last time. Why take the stress? Why risk lessening this moment.
Dude! You won. You defeated the nice, qualified black lady! You probably would have defeated Joe Biden! You kept yourself out of prison, away from serious fines.
Quit, before you destroy the last vestiges of your image. Between your wealthy allies and the obligations of the government to protect ex presidents? You’re safe. Quit.
Melania can raise Barron, the rest of your kids have been on their own foir a while now, and you’ll have plenty of time to amend and re-amend your will to stick it to whomever pissed you off most that week.