As you can see by Itzl's concerned look, this group is for us to check in at to let people know we are alive, doing OK, and not affected by such things as heat, blizzards, floods, wild fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, power outages, or other such things that could keep us off DKos. If you're not here, or anywhere else on DKos, and there are adverse conditions in your area (floods, heatwaves, hurricanes, etc.), we are going to check up on you. If you are going to be away from your computer for a day or a week, let us know here. We care!
IAN is a great group to join, and a good place to learn to write diaries. Drop one of us a PM to be added to the Itzl Alert Network anytime! We all share the publishing duties, and we welcome everyone who reads IAN to write diaries for the group! Every member is an editor, so anyone can take a turn when they have something to say, photos and music to share, a cause to promote or news!
Monday Youffraita
Tuesday bigjacbigjacbigjac
Wednesday Pam from Calif
Thursday art ah zen
Friday FloridaSNMOM
Saturday FloridaSNDad
Sunday loggersbrat
Good morning Friends. Welcome to another Saturday, and thank you so much for choosing to spend at least some of it with me! I thought it might be nice to take a second and talk about all the pretties and shinies we got this year.
I got a new Fleece blanket, which I am wrapped up in as I write this. It has an image of the original Constitution Class Enterprise from Star Trek The original series, floating against a hand of stars in the classic Vulcan Salute. I also received a T-shirt for “Insane Clown Posse”, one of my favorite bands from when I was much younger. I also received a gift card, which enabled me to purchase 3 new video games to play, “Planet Coaster” Zombie War 4”. (to play with a small group of friends), and the real prize, “Elder Scrolls Online” with all it’s attendant downloadable content. The Elder Scrolls series is a particular obsession for me, because I was given a copy of their very first effort, an open world dungeon crawler known as “Arena” when I was in college. I have collected and played every Elder Scrolls game since then. I have never actually -completed- one, but… with open world RPG’s, that is hardly the point, is it?
So, my friends… What gifts did you all receive this year? Care to share?