Here is an important, big idea: the Tangerine Terrorist is weak. He has always been weak, he will always be weak. This idea is important because, while he holds the most powerful office in our country, he is weak.
There is nothing in TT’s history that shows anything close to strength. His ‘deals’ always favor the other parties. He is a weak man in a position of power. His cult is built on the weakness of violence. He, himself, is an impotent king-maker. His chosen candidates fail to gain office more often than not. He has to rely on those already in elected office to accomplish anything. And, in turn, those elected officials rely on a weak leader to utterly fail at any semblance of governance.
TT is a failed businessman because he is weak, impotent and incompetent. TT is a failed president because he is weak, impotent and incompetent who hires weak, impotent and incompetent people who misuse the powers associated with the offices they hold.
Another important idea to remember is that the power of the office is not bestowed upon the office holder. A weak person in a powerful office is still a weak person. We must refer to that person by their title, but make very clear that the person is weak.
We must always remind the bullies in offices of power that they are weak, corrupt and not worthy of the offices they hold. We must point and laugh at all of their stumbles and bumbles as they fumble the power of their offices. We must always remind the bullies that they are weak.
The bullies will misuse the power of the offices they hold. Their only trick is to act as bullies. And, this is shows how weak they are.
Every time TT makes grand pronouncements that fail, we need to remind everyone of all of his failures. Every time he threatens violence, we need to stand up to him and remind everyone of all the times his use of violence failed. Every time he says he is powerful, we need to remind him that the office of the presidency of the United States is powerful, but he is weak.
We, the people, are the ones with power. The opposition party, the elected Democrats, are the ones with power. TT and his followers merely hold offices of power, but they are weak people.
Do not obey in advance. Do not give up your voice.
Illegitimi non carborundum.