We’ve seen a slew of Executive Decisions, Presidential Musings, Internal Memos, and bureaucratic guidance in the past few days and will see even more. The vast majority of items have somebody, somewhere, furiously documenting why they are so ridiculous and won’t REALLY be done; or someone feverishly putting together blueprints to prevent them. Handling each of these is VASTLY important because if nobody pays attention to them, they will happen on the quiet side of the house.
BUT … that is their plan. They are throwing absolutely every idea ever treasured by some MAGA-ite out there because they know that any suggestion
- not responded to can be trivially labelled as a bi-partisan idea
- that gets traction was ‘just a joke’
- too excessively rejected is ‘woke’ policy
- passing other failure nodes can be considered fair game
- ignored can be done silently.
AND everything that is complained about, but not accomplished, is simply more evidence that Democrats are too sensitive, making it easier to pass the next abuse.
Somehow, we need to treat this onslaught more visibly as a general strategy of baffling with bullshit rather than responding to each element seriously by itself. The firehose of spew needs to be acknowledged as what it is. Every single piece of unacceptable drivel needs to be treated as ‘yet another petty, ill-conceived, juvenile, power-grabbing piece of illegible legalese; NOT as a possible considered supported policy. They do need to be acknowledged, but not immortalized.
Can we please defend against the monkeys rather than what they’re throwing?
Some (admittedly bad) suggestions
- Every ill-considered meandering utterance from Trump could come prefaced with a standard intro akin to “Today’s Presidential word salad of random thoughts included ...”
- Every written piece from the White House could be described as ‘Internally inconsistent legalese from the Office of the President demanding’ …
- Have real lawyers red-ink review documentation on video — their vocal context and statements are professional, but the marks on the paper are intentionally crude. People don’t listen to what lawyers say, but I’ll bet they’ll watch red ink sharpies writing ‘you screwed yourself here’, or ‘ever read the 12,13, and 2nd amendments’? … or my favorite lately ‘So every US citizen is now female, byitch?’
Soliciting better ideas now