The thought occurred to me last week while I was running the vacuum cleaner- how long exactly have I been doing this? Writing the Tuesday Coffee Hour posts? My brain sometimes surprises me when I'm on autopilot, and this one kept niggling at me. I remember what I wrote about, and that it was early in the year, January or February.
Turns out I'd started just over three years ago.
I scrolled through my stories, and there it was.
Screenshot from 4 January 2022.
I had no previous experience writing a weekly post, and while I was excited to try, I was also flustered enough that I struggled to come up with a topic. So I opted to go with something easy; something I enjoyed and knew a bit about. My collection of antique bottles. (Which I still enjoy and have added to since).
I was a little nervous about starting out with such a light topic. I hadn't yet realized that I didn't have to be serious all the time. That first post seemed to be well received, which was a relief.
Since then I have written about serious things, a few of them deeply personal. The responses to my posts are a big part of what makes this so worthwhile. I've met so many amazing people here. Who continue to share some of the most insightful comments I'll ever read.
I want to thank all of you for that. It's a privilege to get to know you, and to read your thoughts and suggestions.
Most of all I want to thank Ojibwa, who offered me this opportunity. It's been a good thing for me for a number of reasons. And I am grateful.
Thank you for reading. This is an open thread, all topics are welcome.
Edit to add-
I just returned from my first PT appointment in over a year. The delightful young man seemed to know all my owiest spots without being told and damn. According to him my left leg is weak as a kitten (his exact words). And he's asked me to consider needling (acupuncture) as a treatment. I'm not scared of needles (two tats and more injections and IVs than I can remember) but I could use some advice from people who've BTDT. He did warn me that the pain could actually increase before improving. So...acupuncture? Yes? No? Maybe?