Slowly the resistance is taking some shape- federal employee and health agency lawsuits, Democratic lawmakers finally putting things forward legislatively, and outside organizations are ramping up macro style legal plans and public campaigns.
Yet none of these are getting to the heart of our challenge, the republican dominated US Congress. The founders setup the 3 branches to be co-equal and T-Rump and company are presently blowing that to smithereens. We have no control over what the executive branch does at this point because they are immune to public pressures and have captured Congress, only the judicial system can shake that tree, and those outcomes may just be ignored.
Where we still can make a difference as citizens is by creating a co-ordinated movement and campaign against the most vulnerable in the house and senate — we CANNOT wait until the election. We need major advertising in those districts, youth driven social media campaining, campus’ actions along with people on the ground relentlessy storming every local media outlet available.
BRING THE HEAT NOW. Make them suffer and sweat, make them just as afraid of their constituents as a Musk driven primary.
This is how we can affect change sooner, istead of just waiting for election time and the slow roll of the courts.
The truthful marketing practically writes itself: “ Trump and Musk are getting rid of all the people that safeguard your food ( this is where you can add the real actions being taken by them), the planes in the air,your job sites, your water, the products you buy. In 3 months time with skeleton crews in place will what you put in your mouth be safe to eat with less inspectors? Do you want to board that plane with fewer air controllers? You wanna put your baby in carseat that doesnt have any standing testing?” And on and on. Of course ads and social media will truncate to produce powerful message that is real and truthful. This campaign needs to be relentless, constanly updated with the administrations moves. Righteous, truthful psychological warfare.
Republican in congress need to know that this administration will not protect them within their districts, they need to feel it personally, to know their job is not going to go away because of a primary but rather because their constituents wont vote for them PERIOD. And maybe it can become blueprint for all of Congress.
I will be in and out of the comments, thanks for reading.