Just received this ad in my feed from the DSCC:
“You need to read this from James Carville!”
“I’m pissed off right now and I’m sure you are too. I NEED to know that Democrats across the country aren’t falling for any of the right-wing media’s bull now that Trump is back in the While House.” — JAMES CARVILLE
So the party is still using Carville to raise money. Um, is this the same Carville who says we would have won the election if Kamala Harris had not been the nominee? "And it wouldn’t have been that close because we would have had so many frickin’ talented people that were running." The same Carville who in fact now trashes Kamala as a “seventh-string quarterback”?
(And this seems a little odd given the fact that old James was “certain” Kamala would win, for multiple reasons!)
Look, I’m glad the guy masterminded a victory in 1992, but enough is enough. If you are nothing but a fair-weather friend, you should not be our spokesperson.