The last time I commented on her was nearly a half a year ago and I thought it was time for an update.
Still not a lap cat, but increasingly friendly. Loves, loves, loves to get brushed in the morning — this is a quite a recent development. She’ll even allow gentle belly brushing for a short time.
She runs to the door to greet Dr. Denise when she comes home.
She comes up every night to check out the bedroom, hopping on the bed for a few minutes before deciding all is well and heading back downstairs.
A couple of mornings a week, I do some exercises on a workout bench and she rushes right over, interfering, of course, because I don’t want to thunk her with a weight and have to stop, but she’s determined to make her presence known.
She is affected by the season. We find her in different parts of the condo, using different cat beds and cat trees, depending on what time of the year it is. She’ll avoid the window hammock for 6 months and then suddenly starts using it all the time. She’ll avoid the cat bed in front of the coffee table for months and then, same pattern.
She will eat treats out my hand.
Every morning, she gets up on the kitchen table, Dr. Denise starts up a video game on her iPad where goldfish swim around the screen, and she attacks the images.
When we have a meal, she always gets up on the table, sniffs the various human foodstuffs, disdains them and either settles down on one side of the table or takes off elsewhere in the condo.
We had one of those PetSmart fountains. Always running. Difficult to clean. Subject to mold if you let it go more than 2 weeks between cleanings. She almost never used. We purchased and Elfin fountain and her whole attitude toward water has changed. The fountain bowl is quite a bit higher so it appears to be much more convenient for her. The fountain has a motion sensor so she comes over, it starts pumping water from the tank. It’s so much easier to clean, warns you when the filter needs to be changed.
The picture above was taken a day or so ago after a home vet visit. She was a little skittish afterward, but settled down within an hour or so.
More to come. . .