If you do nothing else today, at least watch this 13 minute 20 second video from Ezra Klein:
“Flooding the zone.”
All of us here should be really well acquainted with this tactic. Fire off a bunch of things from the hip, overwhelm the media, and force the rest of us to scatter for cover as we are overwhelmed by a hailstorm. That is the strategy.
“Trump’s first two weeks in the White House have followed Bannon’s strategy like a script. The flood is a point, the overwhelm is a point. The message wasn’t in any one executive order or announcement — it was in the cumulative effect of all of them, the sense that this is Trump’s country now, it is his government now, it follows his will, it does what he wants, that he is limitless...
Or so he wants you to think.”
Our task is to not believe Trump’s bluff.
Do not believe him.
If we allow ourselves to believe that Trump has already won, then Trump will be more likely to win — his bluff unchecked.
Do not believe him.
Right now — right now — there are FBI officials standing their ground and vowing to resist Trump’s unlawful regime.
And agents are suing the Trump Admin right now too. Think about that. FBI agents — fucking FBI agents — are suing the Trump Administration. As Glen Kirchner explained, many of these agents are combat veterans and former soldiers. Do you really think they will just flatly accept being massacred? They will not.
In two weeks, Trump has so far attempted to, among other things:
1) Eliminate birthright citizenship
2) Attempted to halt all Federal Funding
3) Attempted to levy tariffs against Mexico and Canada
4) Tried a buyout of Federal employees
What did these things result in? Trump being flooded with lawsuits and ultimately walking back on those policies, whether he himself admits it or not.
Meanwhile, people like you and I have been mobilizing.
Protests just over the weekend shut down the US101, as people flooded the highway: www.dailykos.com/… Those protests in LA are still continuing, by the way (www.cbsnews.com/...).
Hundreds of protestors rallied around Congressmen that went to USAID yesterday, within an hour’s notice, and now one of the largest nationwide protests in the country’s history is being planned for tomorrow (www.newsweek.com/...):
Our mobilization has not occurred within a bubble, either. Our actions and the flailing of the Trump Admin have rallied and mobilized political resistance from the DNC that had priorly been proclaimed dead.
“Who is going to stop him [Musk]? We are! WE are going to stop him!”
Meanwhile too, the DNC elected one of the most aggressive candidates that it had available to be Chairman: Ken Martin (www.dailykos.com/...).
“I’m going to throw a punch… This is a new DNC. We’re taking the gloves off.”
All of this is occurring as Trump’s popularity is plummeting, during his honeymoon period.
Say it to yourselves, say it to your friends, scream it as you walk down the streets:
Donald Trump is weak. Elon Musk is weak. They are wannabe dictators, and they are not going to enslave us!
“I had a conversation a couple months ago with someone who knows how the federal government works about as well as anyone alive, and I asked him what would worry him most if he saw Trump doing it.
What he said was that he would worry most if Trump went slowly, if he began his term by doing things that made him more popular, that made his opposition weaker and more confused — if he worked by stealth, if he tried to build strength for the midterms while slowly expanding his powers and chipping away the state in the places where it was weakest, where people couldn’t really see him doing it.
But Trump didn’t do any of that.”
We flipped an Iowan Senate seat by 21 points in a district that Trump had just won in November.
The Democrats are finding their voice.
We are mobilizing with a fury never before seen.
“Trump is not building support here, he is losing it. Trump is not fracturing his opposition, he is finally uniting it.”
Keep barraging your representatives, GOP representatives, and any other officials you can think of — demand that Trump and Musk ARE STOPPED!
Go a step further.
Run with the momentum that we are starting to gain.
Demand impeachment of Donald Trump. Demand Elon Musk’s removal and arrest.
Demand demand demand.
Write, share the word, call people, hit the streets, and march. Make noise. Do not stop until we have victory!
To quote Admiral Yamamoto after Pearl Harbor:
“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
We, the American people, are the sleeping giant.
We are awake!