I am sorry that I cannot post to IVH anymore. My computer has finally finished taking all the memory and filling the hard drive to the point where I can only open ONE TAB in MS Edge. This means that I can’t cut and paste, load pictures or add links to the diary. I am also having issues with comments and recommends. This diary is a last minute attempt to get something up at least, I am not certain when I will be able to replace the desktop, but this issue has been growing for a couple months now. I may need to turn the Tuesday diary over to a fill in author until such time as I get a new computer.
Worse, my car has gone down too, become undrivable with an engine problem. I just had it in the shop last week to the tune of $500 to have sensors replaced, now the problem has become sever and I had to restart the engine a dozen times, just to get to the end of my driveway and back, I will need to have it towed to town for repairs.
My bill for all the work the propane guys did, came to a whopping $2626.26! Heck of a number!! I have paid the 2k and next month’s bill will still be over a grand. Add to that the car repair and a $300 electric bill and next month’s check is already spent. I sure wish the cold weather was over, I’m tired of sub-zero weather.
Yeah, in my shop office, the temperature above your head is nearly 100 degrees, the floor temperature is cold enough that the cat’s water dish freezes solid in under 10 minutes, so does the canned foods. I’m sitting at my desk with a small ceramic heater blowing at my feet from the right and a larger ceramic heater 2 feet to my left blowing under the typewriter shelf. I’m wearing an insulated shirt under a heavy coat and two pairs of socks. My feet are going numb from the cold and I’m comfortable from the waist up with my left arm feeling like it’s on fire because it’s close enough to the heater. I have a 3,000 btu propane heater running at the far wall to heat most of the air in the room, but that cold draft coming through the partially open door (for the cats) flows under the desk and fills the body area. Numbing cold! Still, I am surviving and if I make it through winter, I will try to get a new computer on the asap.
So again, I am sorry for the format issues, I will need a fill in for a few weeks until I can open TWO TABS on my MS Edge browser. I might add, it is entertaining to see Microsoft send me little messages every half hour, complaining that they need more room on my drive to finish their Windows 11 installation. I don’t have any way to free disk space because whatever replicated itself to fill my drive, doesn’t show up in Windows Explorer and I haven’t seen a good DOS shell in years, so I can even identify the culprit!
Who is talking to who tonight:
I have no frigging way to find out!
As always, this is an open thread, all topics welcome, and I may go to bed early just to get warm!!