I really ad no idea what to write about this week. There is too much going on to focus myself on a topic. Instead, I will talk about a couple of new things in my life. I wish I could still say follow me below the orange curlycue like in the old days. Boy, how do i miss them here on Dkos.
First, we hired an employee for our business. We really need a way to drum up new clients and none of us in the family are good at marketing or selling. I’m an accountant; my sister is a public school special ed teacher; and my mom, who has done many things in her life, has mostly the same work with the DMV she has been doing for 42 years. That work is the main revenue generator for the bisness. (We still sell candy though). You’d think my mom would be good at drumming up clients since she, as I said, has been doing this work for 42 years. Alas, a very large majority of her clients almost solely from word of mouth. She did have business cards as a way of advertising, but that is still a kind of word of mouth. She did get an influx of clients when a friend of hers, who was also in the business, died and she took over most of them. The pandemic also was a big boon for her as the DMV was shut down for the public for longer than it was shut down for her and people who do what she does. Even after it reopened to the public, the DMV was even more awful for the public to utilize and thus my mom got a large influx of new clients. Now that we are operating as a sort of satellite office, she has larger expenses than when she was operating out of our house. Thus, the need for more customers. We are giving the new hire a three month probationary period to see if he can do well. He s a former real estate agent, so we are hoping that experience works well for him and us.
Second, I decided to go back to seeing a therapist after about 3 years of not seeing one. I searched out one for a specific issue I am having rather than just a general therapist. The introductory consultation went well but my financial situation changed soon after that, so I didn’t begin actually seeing him until last week which is a bit more than a year since the consultation. I went into our first session thinking we were going to cover my issue, but it quickly turned into more of general psychotherapy session. Part of me was a bit disappointed, but the other part me of me said to keep it going. This is my first time seeing someone who is more of a social worker rather than a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Those, by and large, haven’t been great for me. I hoping making a switch might be what works. Interestingly, unlike every other person I have seen, he gave me a questionnaire to fill out before our first session. Anyone who knows me knows I agonized over how to fill it out. It all ended up being for naught though since he told me in an email after the session, he never read past the consent form. Par for the course for me. LOL
Finally, I saw Hakeem Jeffries call for all Democratic Reps to hold Town Halls in their districts. I went online to see if either of the two long Island Dems had set up and unsurprisingly neither did so far, I don’t hold out hope they will.
I hope you all are staying strong out there. See ya next week!
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Top Comments for february 4, 2025
Finally there are some on my night!
From Paul A:
I nominate Seraph4377's comment to the Good News Roundup, reporting on New York City history and spirit in the face of oppression.
A two-fer from John in Denver:
First is David Michigan’s response to lpeacock, who posted a Whoopi Goldberg message about continuing to celebrate Black History Month. (John said this was one of the best he saw today.)
Second is rugbymom’s comment about whether the courts can enforce their edicts. (John said Top comment, for both the content AND the rhetorical description of our current situation.)
From moi:
davidkc’s response to Gutenberg’s comment about one of Elmo’s flackeys, who is trying to purge the treasury of all its money, is “chef’s kiss.”
TOP MOJO february 3, 2025
First comments and tip jars excluded. Thank you mik for the mojo magic! For those of you interested in How Top Mojo Works, please see his diary on FAQing Top Mojo.