Earlier this evening, I sent in this rough plan to take back the House this year to the DNC. I believe we can't wait until 2026 to take back the House. We may not even have a democracy in 2026. So, we need to take back the House NOW, this year, in April 2025.
Is it possible? Who knows. But, we need to at least try.
Here’s what I’m proposing.
Republicans currently have a one vote majority in the House with two open seats in Florida and one in NY to be filled via special elections this year starting in April.
Unfortunately, every seat is in deeply RED districts which normally would be a waste of time for the Democrats to contest. However, we are not in normal times. Unprecedented times requires unprecedented actions.
Rather than simply giving these seats up to the Republicans without a fight, I suggest we put out a nation-wide Democratic (for us Democrats) and democratic (for those willing to fight with us) call for money, people and resources and 'flood the zone' with volunteers willing to do the work required to keep our democracy alive.
Led by the DNC, we should call for a nation-wide funding effort and put ALL that money into those districts, every damn penny. Also, call for a national-wide volunteer effort and flood those districts with door knockers. But, not just regular campaign door-knockers; we should have harmonized door-knockers with similar backgrounds and life experiences as each voter they encounter to make our pitch more relatable.
Let’s use social media, local groups, Democratic clubs and other local contacts — basically use every voter ID tool in the toolbox — to better understand EVERY voter in each district, regardless of party or voting history, and have our doorknockers talking to voters face-to-face, eye-to-eye, speaking their language, about their issues, talking clearly, respectfully and plainly, as to how their vote will determine whether the U.S. eventually becomes Bedford Falls or Pottersville.
I suggested we have hard hat construction worker Democrats talk to hard hat construction worker Republicans. Farmers to Farmers. Soccer Moms to Soccer Moms. Average Joes to Average Joes. IT to IT. GenZ to GenZ. Gun-owners to Gun-owners. Law Enforcement to Law Enforcement. Retired Vets to Retired Vets. Educators to Educators. On and on an on. And, make this an unprecedentedly massive GOTV efforts for ALL voters, not just friendly ones.
These groups could meet and talk about the current news and what's been going on since the inauguration, which should be overwhelmingly advantageous to us since the MAGA Confederates and their leader seem downright determined to just piss everyone off.
Hardhats could talk about the elimination of OSHA. Educators could talk about ending the DoEducation. IT could talk about exposure of every American’s personal data to unvetted civilians. Farmers could talk about tariffs. Soccer Moms and Average Joes could talk about kitchen table issues. And everyone can talk about Elon, billionaires, and DOGE. You get the idea.
Do this every day, relentlessly, not stopping until after the elections have completed Have the door-knockers out every day, every where, talking to every voter. Hell, my wife and I are both retired and are more than willing to shutter our house, pack up our pets, reserve a VRBO, and temporarily move to these districts to work every day through the elections. I’m sure many others who have the resources would and will do the same.
At the same time, advertise, advertise, advertise, anywhere, everywhere — TV, radio, billboards, yard signs, rallies, convoys, tshirts, hats — while also dominating every aspect of social media with our message.
To help with this, we should have every national politician, clergy, Pastor, Bishop, Rabbi, Monk, Imam, celebrity, lawyer, actor, CEO, pro athlete, college athlete, mechanic, carpenter, public servant, coach, TV star, influencer, singer, dancer, … every recognizable democracy-loving person on our side, actively participating in this effort, both online and in-person.
Like I said — flood the f'n zone!!!
Meanwhile, have Jeffries and all Congressional Dems start searching for 'soft' Republicans in the House by appealing to their patriotism and love of country of course, but, more importantly - OFFER THEM DEALS if they join us Democrats!
Offer them plum committee assignments. Promise them no primaries from Dems. Promise them security for them and their families, if that’s allowed, and, if not, set up accounts where I and others can donate funds to help provide for this protection.
You probably can’t promise them campaign funds but, based on their importance, I’m sure I, and millions of other patriotic Democrats, will gladly contribute to their campaigns every year for the rest of their careers without hesitation if they help us end this coup.
Basically, promise them anything legally allowed and get them them to switch parties. We just need to get two or three of them to switch to control the House. We are SO CLOSE - this CAN be done!
Once we have the House, this will give us the ability to junk up the works against the insurgency. Also, Jefferies can control committees and start investigations and, most importantly, we can get their crime and corruption ON THE NEWS and IN THE PUBLIC’S EYE! Regardless how the last election went, I still believe Americans do care when they fully understand the urgency and importance of events going on and how it will affect them and their families.
Concurrently, Schumer needs to work with Murkowski (Alaska) as she seems to be the ONLY Republican that may still have a conscience in the Senate, and convince her to VERY publicly switch to Dem, offering whatever it takes to get her to switch. This MAY act as a catalyst or possibly provide cover for other Republicans who actually care for our country to regrow a spine and switch to our side. I don't think we can get five but maybe we can get one or two. Anything to give us a chance of whittling down our 53-47 deficit before 2026.
Will this work? Maybe, maybe not. But, let's at least have the decency to try. We owe it to our kids, our neighbors, our friends, our country.
What’s our alternative? Sit around with our thumbs up our ass while we watch 220 years of growth, freedom, and prosperity be pissed away by a madman and his Confederate Cult?
Let's at the very least go down fighting!