This is a diary violation -- I admit it, but my internet namesake and personal political hero will be speaking on Sunday February 8. Because its not a widely publicized event and Gila Svirsky doesn't have a lot of name recognition, I'm going to abuse the rules and publicize it.
Getting to Peace between Israel and Palestine: How and Why", co-sponsored by Search for Common Gound and Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, at Search for Common Ground, 1601 Connecticut Ave NW; [at
Dupont Circle station, near corner of Connecticut and Q St].
Contact: Gayle Meyers, Director, Middle East Regional Security
Projects, SCG, Tel: (202) 777-2208; (202) 265-4300; Fax: (202) 232-
6718 or
If the conflict in the Middle East is an issue that concerns you and the coverage and approach that the US Media offers frustrates you, come and listen to one of the leading Israeli Peace Activists talk about the conflict from an anti-militarist, humanitarian (in the rest of the world's understanding of that term) perspective.