I want to know how she's doing.
I'm making it one of my goals to periodically check up on people who've been discredited by the Bush administration... to see if they're been able to come out better for it, or to see if we could still lend some support.
Also, how are they doing:
That Ivy League professor with socialist leanings whose contract was not renewed earlier this year, and who suspects political motives-- I forget his name; Dan Graber? Dave Garber?
That scientist (I also forget his name) who developed some system to deliver life-saving electrolyte-enhanced water to poor and dying children in Bangladesh, who was CHARGED (possibly even jailed) by the Bush administration;
Sibel Edmonds, the FBI whistleblower;
Jesselyn Radack, the similarly discredited DoJ whistleblower;
Bunnatine Greenhouse, of the Army Corps of Engineers, who is a textbook example of the way the Bush administration punishes those who refuse to be its lackeys: demotion, reputation smearing and attempted destruction of livelihood. Inspiration for the way she perseveres against that alone!
Paul O'Neill;
Any others. Especially former CIA and State Department officials pink-slipped or "retired out" for not drinking the Kool-Aid.
Part of our strategy must including banding with those who've had their careers and reputations ruined by Bush and company. Let them know that they have a safe place with us!