It wasn't just Kerry's mafia bag-man Torricelli who funded the Dean/Osama ad. 2 companies gave $100,000 each. From AP:
They are Slim-Fast Foods tycoon S. Daniel Abraham of Florida, who also contributed $2,000 to Dean and several other Democratic hopefuls; and Yankees Entertainment & Sports Network LLC, a New York-based sports cable channel that televises Yankee games. (and is owned by George "I have ruined baseball" Steinbrenner)
Anyone who lives in NY who finds this disgusting should let the Yankees know you don't appreciate this. I just cancelled my subscription to YES (it costs $1 a month to get it in NYC), and I would urge everyone else to do the same. (And I know some sports junkies will find this hard, and I don't blame them... I watched a lot of KC Royals games on YES).