This should scare everyone into standing up to these people.
The senior officials are said to include Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, who has been mentioned as a Supreme Court candidate; White House Counsel Harriet Miers, the president's longtime adviser and former personal attorney; White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr.; and senior adviser Karl Rove.
If that isn't scary enough look at who is picking these canadates.
However, the Christian Legal Society has been asked to provide its recommendations for a replacement for Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, 80, who has thyroid cancer. The group complied.
The spokesman acknowledged yesterday that the White House has "made preparations to be ready in case someone does leave the Supreme Court." The court's summer session ends Thursday, and there is rampant speculation that Chief Justice Rehnquist will announce as early as Monday that he is stepping down.
In what amounts to the opening salvo of what many expect will be a contentious battle, top Democrats on Capitol Hill yesterday urged Mr. Bush to consult with them on any nominee to help avoid the kind of partisan wrangling that engulfed his lower-court picks.
I say we fillibuster like we have never fillibustered before.